Return of the Stairs

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The next morning, Tom and Y/n woke up early, well, Tom got up early, then hit Y/n with a pillow to wake her up as well.

"Thomas, it's six in the morning," Y/n groaned, checking her phone, to see the time, "Why'd you wake me up so early?"

"We're going got Notre Dame this morning," Tom grinned.

"Is it even open at six in the morning?" Y/n asked.

"Er- no," Tom said awkwardly, "Our tickets are for ten, but I wasn't sure how long you'd be."

Y/n sighed, looking Tom in the eyes, "It doesn't take me four hours to get ready," she yawned, "So, I'm going back to sleep."

Y/n fell back onto her pillow, while Tom was freaking out, hoping this wouldn't ruin their relationship.

"Wait- tickets?" Y/n asked, quickly sitting up again, "Isn't it free to get in?"

"We're climbing to the top, along with a tour," Tom said innocently, not know what was going through Y/n's head.

"Like stairs?" Y/n asked.

"Yes?" Tom said.

Y/n then started muttering about how she loathed stairs, and how she was sure she was going to die.

"I hate stairs," she muttered, "Goodbye world, at least I got to date Thomas Stanly Holland."

'Y/n? Are you okay?" Tom asked, slightly shaking her.

Y/n looked him dead in the eyes, giving him a sarcastic smile, "Yeah, I'm just fine, I just have to climb a million stairs, which I hate."

Tom's eyes grew big, he had completely forgotten that Y/n hated stairs with a passion, "I'm so sorry, Love, I completely forgot about that."

"It's fine- for now," Y/n sighed, laying back down again, "So, how many stairs, it can't be too bad."

Tom gave an awkward laugh, an awkward smile to accompany it, "Three hundred eighty-seven."

Y/n bolted up, "Three hundred eighty-seven!" she exclaimed.

"Shh," Tom hushed hurriedly, "It's still six in the morning."

"Three hundred eighty-seven stairs?" Y/n whispered loudly, "That's a lot of stairs."

"Hey, I'll be with you till the end of the line," Tom said, giving her a reassuring smile, "You'll be fine."

"I understood that reference," Y/n smiled, starting to calm down, "and I'm not going to lie, that was a good one.

"I learned from the best," Tom said, ruffling Y/n's hair.

"That's nice," Y/n yawned, "But, I'm going back to bed, goodnight."

"Okay, Love," Tom chuckled.

After about an hour, Tom decided to wake Y/n up again.

"Thomas," Y/n sighed, "Can you please let me sleep-"

"You need to get ready so we can leave," Tom said, "I even already got breakfast."

Y/n sat up at the mention of food, "Ooh, what did you get?"

"I got some croissants," Tom chuckled, "and some beignets."

"You are the best," Y/n said, getting out of bed, and kissing Tom on the cheek.

"Anything for the famous Y/n L/n," Tom smiled.

Y/n grabbed a beignet, "Mhm, well, I have to thank the famous Tom Holland for my fame."

"Really," Tom said, "This Tom Holland bloke sounds great."


"He is," Y/n grinned, "He planned a whole vacation for me."

"Oh really?" Tom said, "He told me that you two would have to leave for Notre Dame in half an hour and that you need to get ready."

Y/n rolled her eyes and went to get ready, while Tom ate some breakfast. When Y/n finished getting ready, she walked out only to be wrapped into a hug, making her smile, thinking about their summer in Europe three years ago.

"You should be glad I'm not dying of heat yet," Y/n said, hugging him back.

"I'm glad you aren't dying of heat, Love," Tom chuckled, "Are you ready to leave?"

Y/n nodded, and Tom let go of her, Y/n walked over to the table, snatching a croissant. Tom smiled and put his hand out for Y/n, which she gladly took, and they walked out to the Metro station close to their hotel, taking it to Saint Michel, the station closest to Notre Dame.

"There's a lot of people here," Y/n observed, looking around as they walked out of the station.

"Well, Notre Dame is very famous, if you didn't know," Tom said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I didn't know," Y/n said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, let's go, the tour starts soon," Tom chuckled.

"Let's go then."

They walked to the side of Notre Dame, getting into line for their ten o'clock tour.

"Are you two here for the ten o'clock tour?" A worker asked, holding a clipboard.

"That's us," Tom said, "are we in the right line?"

"Yes," the worker said, "Can I just see your ticket."

tom nodded, pulling out his phone, and showing the worker their tickets.

"You two are good to go, we'll have you in in just a second."

"Thank you," Y/n said.

The worker nodded and walked away asking the people behind them the same question. Tom and Y/n were let in and were told to follow the people in front of the, who was starting to walk up the stairs.

Tom extended an arm for Y/n to go in front of him, so she walked forward.

"Kill me now," Y/n said under her breath, as she passed him.

Tom raised an eyebrow, wondering what his girlfriend just said, but started climbing the stairs behind her.

About halfway through, they made it to the small gift shop and Y/n was now determined to make it to the top, just so she could yeet herself off (metaphorically, of course).

"I'll buy you whatever you want," Tom whispered, seeing Y/n's expression of doneness.

"No, I'm okay," Y/n sighed, "However, you could treat me to lunch after this."

Tom nodded, and they started climbing again to the top.

After a couple of minutes, they finally made it to the outdoor portion, where you could see the city, which blew Y/n away.

"I understand why Thomas Jefferson stayed here," Y/n said, "But I don't like him that much either, so- you know just ignore what I said."

"Love, you only know him from Hamilton," Tom sighed, "Plus, he lived here about two hundred and thirty years ago."

"I know him from American history," Y/n said in a matter of fact tone, "but, Hamilton did influence my opinion about him, he is funny though."

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