Adam Yilmaz POV
I was tapping nervously on my chair in the child support office's waiting area. I looked around and saw only a few people, it wasn't crowded so it hopefully wasn't going to take long. Since I told Lena and Zachary about Emily, she didn't say a word to me and it was making me edgy. I needed to see her and speak to her but every time I tried calling her after I dropped her at her parent's house she kept sending me to voicemail until mom answered and told me to give her some space.
I surely didn't want to do that, but I had no choice. I also didn't want to scare her off so I backed away. But today I was determined to go find her and talk to her about it.
"Mommy, why is your friend scared? He doesn't like doctors?"
I looked at Emily and gave her a smile "I'm not scared, I just have somewhere to be"
She looked down at her Barbie doll before showing it to me "She looks like the nice lady I saw yesterday with you"
I chuckled and nodded "Yes she does, a little maybe. Did you like her?"
Her eyes lit up "Yes I did, she was very nice to me. She even gave me a bracelet" she showed me a white and pink pearl bracelet around her wrist.
Amanda frowned "I thought it came with your doll"
"No mommy, the nice lady gave it to me because I am beautiful and nice"
Amanda smirked "I bet she thought that before she knew" she whispered only for me to hear. "How is she by the way? How did she take the news? I bet she ran for the hills"
"I'm great thank you very much" we both snapped up our heads to see Lena standing in front of us with her arms crossed. "And don't be so happy I haven't run for the hills yet".
My smile widened as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. "Thank you for coming" I whispered in her ear.
She gave a stern look at Amanda and cupped my face before kissing me gently breaking the kiss only to whisper in my ear "I'm not here for you. I'm here for Emily, but I won't let that bitch get what she wants" she pulled away and fixed my collar with a smiled.
"Emily, how are you Barbie girl?"
Emily hurriedly got up and wrapped her arms around Lena "I'm happy you're here. Are you okay? You look pale"
"I'm great sweetie, when Adam told me you were here I said I'd come by and see you" she smiled at her and they both took seats and were talking like great old friends.
Amanda raised an eyebrow while looking at them "What is she trying to do?"
"That's the thing, she's not trying to do anything. She's just an amazing person" I said looking at them smiling at the sight.
"Mr Yilmaz? We are ready for you" a woman in a white robe informed me before leading the way inside. Once I was seated, she took a cheek swab and stored it carefully in a clear plastic bag with my name written on it. Just as I got out they took Emily in and I was left with Lena alone.
"Baby..." I tried brushing her cheek but she just slapped my hand away.
"Just don't Adam, please. When will you get the results?"
"Usually it takes up to two weeks, but I paid extra cash to get them sooner. I'm not sure maybe less than a week". She was silently staring at the tiles seeming so cold and distant it was killing me.
"Lena please... don't push me away, we just got together after everything we've been through"
"But that's it, we are always facing bad stuff, I mean maybe we're not really meant to be? Have you ever thought about it this way? Maybe you're meant to be with Amanda and that beautiful girl is a mean to get you two together, this is destiny, it's not something we can change"
"No Lena, you're wrong. Your destiny is determined by the choices you make..."
"Maybe I made the wrong choice Adam" her voice slightly cracked as she said those words to me.
"Is that what you really think?" I felt disappointed that she was giving up on us already. She wasn't fighting for us and I have always known her as a fighter.
"I don't know what to think anymore to be honest"
I nodded not wanting to argue with her here with all those people around us. Just then Emily happily came towards me and out of nowhere gave me a hug than she did the same with Lena.
"Thank you both for coming with me" she smiled and before Amanda could say anything she pulled her toward the exit which made me smile despite the horrible thoughts going through my mind.
"Do you need a ride?"
"No, I came in my car. Thank you"
Lena turned around and left me standing there... heartbroken for a few minutes. I managed to move my legs and walk out as well. She was already gone. For a second I wished I never came back, I wished I was still in Istanbul with my family and friends. I climbed in my car and stared ahead of me not really knowing what my next move should be.
Pulling out my phone I thought calling Zachary was the best thing to do right now but something inside me made me change my mind and I ended up calling Karam. Lucky for me it was Friday there, so he was staying up late and cheerfully greeted me as he picked up.
-Adam! My boy! I miss you nephew, how are you?-
I tried hiding the sadness in my voice "I'm good, I miss you too. How are you? Are you home?"
-I'm out with some colleagues; we're heading to Spain tomorrow there is a big Art show going on, fashion, architecture... everything art related-
"Oh yeah a friend of mine mentioned it. That sounds fun. I wish I could meet you there"
-What happened? You sound upset. Last we spoke you were happy with Lena and your family, tell me what's going on Adam-
"Lena and I... well I think she broke up with me"
-Already? maybe you're not so good with the girls after all- he chuckled probably trying to lift up my mood.
"I might have a daughter, and she's freaking out". Karam let out a sigh and seemed to be getting lost in his own thoughts.
-You might or you do?-
"I'm not sure. I asked for paternity test"
-that's a good move. As for Lena, give her space, and if she really loves you she'll come back to you just like you went flying to her when her brother called you. And I'm sure she'll come around, give her time...look I have to go but I'll call you later I promise-
"Have a good night Karam" we hung up and I aimlessly drove around until I found myself in front of my parent's house. The house I was born in and the house in which I had so many memories of me and my parents.
Helena Walton's POV
I had been driving for a couple hours now, not ready to go home after what I said to Adam. I had technically broken up with him, and I still couldn't believe doing it. I've been crying over him for the past five years and now that he was back just to be with me I broke up with him! How does my stupid mind work? I sighed pulling into my parent's driveway. I stayed in the car for a few minutes trying to hold back the tears and put on a smile. But all that was for nothing.