Confused - Chapter 9

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I wake up with a painful crick in my neck, and an aching head. Not to mention my leg feels like a rock just fell down from the sky and squashed it. My eyes feel like they were glued together last night. Then I remember. I cried. Oh great. I stand up quickly and rush into the bathroom, and I start to dab my puffy, red eyes with a wet towel. I turn the tap off quietly and walk -make that limp- off to change. My bedroom closet is right next to Josh's bedroom. That's how I heard it.

"Oh Josh I knew you would fall for her!" a voice came crackling. I could tell that Josh put his phone on speaker.

"Dude, I can't help it! It's like you and Addie!" I squash my ears against the wardrobe wall, eager to hear more.

"True, true. But you've known Gen for years!" My ears perk up as my name is mentioned. I finally recognise the voice as Jakob's. Oh boy. I hear Josh sigh loudly.

"So tell her," Jakob ushers him. Josh moans.

"She'll freak," Josh replies. I'll freak? What? Why will I freak?

"Just say it," Jakob says again.

"Fine. I'll do it. If you do the same to Addie!" Josh surrenders.

"I-- um.. fine,"

"How the heck am I meant to say it?" Josh asks, a nervous ripple in his voice.

"Just say: Gen, I love you," my heart stops. I feel my body go weak. Josh. Loves. Me.

"I.. okay. I'll.. say it," Josh finally says. My heart flutters.

"Good. See ya lover boy," Jakob says bye, and I hear Josh flop onto his bed. Then it goes silent. Did I just hallucinate everything?


I'm sitting on the kitchen counter eating a slice of toast, replaying Jakob and Josh's conversation about me, over and over again. I don't believe it. I just.. can't.

"Morning Genny," Josh's voice rings in my ears. I whip my head around. I smile weakly.

"You didn't come down for pizza last night," he looks at me, then frowns.

"You're not in pain are you?" he asks quickly. I shake my head.

"Nah, I guess I was.. just worn out," I reply. Josh takes one more quick look at me then opens the fridge.

"Milk?" I nod and take the cup he poured out for me. I sip it slowly, trying to ignore Josh's gaze, which was burning into the side of my head.



"Are you busy this morning?" he asks, fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't think so. Why?" I ask slowly.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I groan.

"Not to play volleyball. Just to.. well, hang out?" he glances at me, hopefully. I laugh.

"Sure, why not," I gulp down the rest of my milk and walk upstairs.

"I'll be ready in half an hour," I call downstairs. Is he really going to say it? Maybe he actually is! Oh my gosh. My head is rushing as I pull on shorts and a plain white shirt.

Josh is waiting on the stairs, like usual, and as I walk down, he stands up quickly and we walk out.

"Is it alright if we take my motorbike?" he asks, watching the garage slide open.

"Yeah sure," Josh passes me a helmet and puts it on for me, then helps me up onto the bike.

"Ready?" he asks, turning his head towards me. I nod, clinging onto his waist tightly. We've only been on his bike a couple of times, and still, I get a bit nervous. How does Josh stand it?

We zoom off, my hair flying out behind me. My grip tightens. I'm probably hurting Josh a bit now, but honestly, I'd rather Josh have a small pain then me dying. Josh laughs gently as I hold on tighter.

"What?" I snap. Josh shakes his head and parks the bike into the beach car park.

"Nothing," he lies. I pull off the helmet and hang it onto the motorbike's handles.

"You're a meany," I pout. Josh winks then quickly embraces me, making me soften.

"Lets go sit down," he murmurs, I agree and we walk over to the warm sand, then sink down.

There's a long silence that lasts for about 10 minutes. I can't tell what's going on in Josh's head. I can't help it.

"I'm sorry," I blurt out before I can stop myself. Josh frowns and his grip around my shoulder tighten, as if I'm going to run off.

"What? Why?" he asks, clearly worried.

"For messing up. For ruining everything. You would've had a way better summer without me. I'm just.. sorry," I confess, almost inaudible.

"Gen, stop it. Don't. Don't be sorry, cause you don't have anything to be sorry for," he gently moves a few strands of hair off my face.

"Why shouldn't i be? I messed up. Like usual. I'm just sorry,"


"No don't. Don't say anything. I'm such a.. I ruin everything! And I'm sorry." I say sorry for the millionth time. Then he does it; he cuts me off with a kiss. I'm surprised, but slowly, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around him. Suddenly, he pulls away. I look at him, confused.

"Gen?" he whispers.


"I love you,"

YAAAAAAAY I DID IT. I posted another chapter! Woop woop! Hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll make it more interesting in the next chapter so yeah! I'll post it as soon as possible. FEEDBACK IS WELCOME. Thanks!

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now