"Raven, wake up!"
Laying on his stomach, Raven turned over towards the voice. He squinted to see a woman by the door and she looked as if she was in her late thirties. Her eyes were a brownish-green color.Her black, wavy hair was pulled into a ponytail that reached the top of her back. She wore a grey jogging suit with black stripes on the side that matched her black running shoes.
"Breakfast is ready," she said with a grin. She turned her back and walked out.
"Okay, I'm coming, Mom," He said straight-faced, even though he felt like sleeping more. He glanced at the clock on the desk by his bed.7:00 am.
He sighed as he pulled back his grey covers and got out of bed. He put on some grey shorts, already wearing a light blue t-shirt. He walked out of his room onto the small walkway of the second floor. He walked downstairs to the kitchen to see his mom already piling a plate for him with eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Upon smelling this delight, his stomach growled to be fed. He sat down at the tan island in the kitchen that matched the tan countertops around it. Plate in front of him, he made a quick prayer and started to eat.
Hearing footsteps approaching, he turned and saw a man who looked to be around forty years old. His dark green eyes were covered by a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His short, dark brown hair was combed to the side. He wore a white button-up, black slacks, black suspenders, and black shoes. The tie color was dark green, which made his eyes pop. He carried a black, medium-sized satchel for work, that was filled with all of his supplies for work.
The man walked around the island to where Raven's mom was and kissed her on the cheek. "Goodbye, Honey."She smiled and kissed him back. He then walked towards Raven and tousled his hair. "Bye, Rave. I hope you have a good day!"
"Bye, Dad," Raven said and then rolled his eyes after his Dad left, drizzling syrup over his hot pancakes. He felt like his dad treated him like he was four sometimes when he was really seventeen.He probably doesn't want me to grow up and leave him.
Raven shrugged, pushing the thought away, and finished his food. He slid out of his chair and jogged upstairs to get ready for school. There were three doors at the top of the stairs. He walked towards his room, which was the door on the left, and closed the door behind him. To his left, the bed was positioned in the corner, and right next to it was a small desk that had some things like his alarm clock and his phone on top. The left wall held his closet and another door, which was his bathroom.
He walked towards his closet and picked out a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and a blue jean jacket. He put on some white canvas shoes and then walked into his bathroom to finish getting ready.
Raven looked at his wavy, dark brown hair, which looks black, in the mirror wondering what he should do with it. It reached the bottom of his head. He sighed and pulled back his wavy hair into a messy bun. It's just school, nothing special.Blue River High, named after the town's famous river that is so blue, was the only high school in the area. He lived in a small town named Beland which is not far from the coast in Georgia. It's a very calm and serene place until the tourist season starts.
Raven gathered his belongings, left his room, and walked down to the living room, where his mother was sitting.
"Are you leaving?" His mom questioned, looking him up and down to see what he was wearing.
Raven replied with a dull, uninterested tone. "Yes, unfortunately."His mom chuckled. "Okay, have a good day!"
"I'll try." He replied as he walked out the door, got in his car, and drove off to school.
"Are you having as great of a morning as I am? " a familiar voice said.
Raven looked over at the person who sat down next to him. It was a girl whose eyes looked like melted chocolate. She had straight, black hair that reached her shoulders. This girl wore a purple hoodie with blue jeans and black Vans. She was looked at him while applying her lip gloss.
"It's decent, Jai," Raven stated. "But talk to me after this class and see if my answer has changed."
Jaiyana shook her head. "Man, I'm so happy we're gonna be out of this class! 5 more days!!"
Raven chuckled, "You've been counting?"
"Yeah," Jaiyana laughed. "It helps me get through this class."
"Quiet down class." A male voice shouted. The class looked towards the voice, who was the teacher.
"It's time to work. Pull out your notes or textbook, I want everyone to be ready to take the final tomorrow."
Raven rolled his eyes. Finals week got everyone stressed, including the teacher.
He sighed, "It's about to be a long week."
The bell rang for the end of class and everyone rushed into the halls. Raven left his second class, also his last class, and headed outside to meet with his friends to go to lunch. He spotted them near the outside tables and started walking towards them.
He saw Jaiyana and another boy with a worried expression. The boy had short, sandy blonde hair, and his dark blue eyes showed a hint of stress. He wore a black hoodie, blue jeans, and black sneakers.
As he got closer to the table, they both looked towards him, their expression changing to a more happy one.
"Is everything alright?" Raven asked as he sat down.
Yeah, I'm fine." Jaiyana responded quickly, "Right, Auden?"
"Huh?" Auden said looking up. "Oh yeah, it's just finals stressing me out."
"Okay," Raven replied looking skeptical, looking first at Jaiyana, then at Auden.
"Soooo...what are we gonna eat?" Jaiyana said trying to change the subject. "I'm starving!"
Auden sighed. "We could go to the mall?"
"Yeah, Let's go the-" Raven trailed off as his head abruptly turned. The other two looked as well towards a school building.
"What?" Jaiyana said.
Raven turned back to them. "I thought I saw something but oh well." He stood up. "Let's eat."
"Okay," Jaiyana said smiling and stood up, walking with Auden and Raven towards the car.
"That was close, girl!" a voice spoke. "Didn't I tell you to be careful?!"
"I know, I know." the girl spoke as she stood up.
She stood up and wiped away the dirt from her jeans. She turned to look at the person next to her, which was a male that looked about to be in his late twenties. He had short brown hair with hazel eyes that looked worried.
"You know the commoners are not supposed to see us." The male whispered. He looked into her brown eyes with a hint of blue.
The girl just looked away with an aggravated face. "You didn't have to push me."
The male grabbed her arm. "Let's go."
He leads the girl around the corner of a building and disappeared.

Teen FictionRaven is your typical average teenager who likes to hang out with his friends. But he's been having these strange dreams that feel like he's in a completely different dimension. What's strange to him is that he has an unusual power that starts to aw...