C h a p t e r 6

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"Yea she's ok she's just asleep upstairs." I recognized the voice as Luke's

"Sure yea you can go see her" said Luke

Crap. Just act like your asleep Jordan.

"Hey Jordan I know you don't know me but I'm Rachel I'm in all your classes, I herd what happened actually the whole knows but i just wanted to check up on you."

well that didn't work

"Thanks, um I'm doing fine hurts like a bitch but I'm tough as nails. Oh hey let me have your number so that we can hangout sometimes. Oh and how did you know where I live?" I asked. I saw Luke in the corner of my eye.

"How can you crack jokes and act so calm when you just got the shit beat out of you and beat the shit out of 4 people!?" Luke asked coming closer to Rachel and I

"Um to answer you question about how I know where you live is," Rachel said finishing putting her number in my phone and whispering in my ear "is my crush since like grade 8 lives here and I asked Luke. Oh my crush is Ashton. Oh and I was wondering if you would like to be my best friend??"

hey she's awkward just like me!

"YA I would love to oh me and you can hang out today...if that's ok with you?"

"Oh my gosh yea that's so fine with me!"

"Okay I got a surprise for you." I said with a smirk "ASHTON!" I yelled
"Yea?" "Come here"

"Do you wanna come hang out with me Rachel and Luke today"

"I didn't ev-" "your coming" Luke tried to say but I cut him off

"Ya sure" ash said

I looked at Rachel and she mouthed 'thank you so much' and I nodded

"Uh Luke, Rachel can you guys help me get off my bed without hurting me even more" they didn't even respond and went to immediately help me down then I told Luke to leave so that Rachel could help me get ready.

With the help of Rachel I put on black skinny jeans a nirvana shirt my black vans and a red beanie. I grabbed my wallet and phone and headed down stairs with the help of Luke and Rachel

"Guys you don't have to help me every where we go I can walk. It just my stomach and up that hurt." I say matter-of-factly. With that said they let go of me to let me walk and I could walk perfectly fine.

We got in Luke's car I sat in the front Luke driving. Ash and Rachel in the back. We were blasting out Green Day and having a great time.

We went to the mall and surprisingly it was the guys idea. But after the mall we all went to this restaurant that was amazing. At the restaurant Rachel and I went to the bathroom together cause we're girls and on the way back to the table we over herd the boys talking and it was ash who was talking.

"Luke you know I've had a crush a Rachel since forever but I don't know if she feels the same way what do I do?" Said Ashton. Me and Rachel looked at each other wide eyed and listened more

"Look ash I know you love Rachel but I don't know what to do either cause I'm in love with Jordan but I don't know what to do she's perfect for me you see the way I look at her it's different than everyone else and I don't know how to ask her out, I don't even know if she tells the same way about me!!"

I turned to Rachel and whispered " let's give them a taste for there own medicine shall we." "We shall" she replied. We walked out from where we were and sat down looked at each other then back at the boys.

"Can we go home my face and stomach are starting to hurt" I ask Luke "Rachel can you text your mom if you can spend the night with me" she looked at her phone then back at me and said "she said ya. So can we go"

"Ya lets go." The boys said

We got back to the house and Rachel helped me change into more comfortable clothes and I gave her some then Luke and ash came in and they had brought movies, popcorn, ice cream, candy, soda, and Luke gave me his penguin to cuddle again and ash gave Rachel his bear to cuddle. While we were watching the movie I looked over at Rachel and nodded

"Hey ash would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow cause it is Sunday tomorrow and I'll already be here so what do ya say?" Asked Rachel

"YES I would love to go on a date with you Rachel." Ash replied and kissed Rachel on the forehead. Rach looked at me and nodded.

"Luke would you like to go on a date with me sometime this week since we are both suspended." I asked confidently.

"Let me think..." bitch you better say yes "yes I would love to go on a date with you Jordan" and he kissed my nose. As the movie went on I fell asleep in Luke's arms and I felt him lift me onto my bed and stay with me I felt his arms snake around my waist and fall asleep next to me.

I can't wait for tomorrow to help Rachel with her date. I thought to my self. I also can't wait for my date with the most perfect boy ever for me!!!


Aw the girls take charge and ask out the boys. Oh go read Rachel's fanfic called 'End Up Here' it's amazing and OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.


bye loves cya

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