06. Mysteriously Sabotaged

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Song: The Wizard and I from the musical Wicked.

~ Kriss Darcy ~

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~ Kriss Darcy ~

A shocked silence met my words as I finished reading the note

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A shocked silence met my words as I finished reading the note. I looked up from the paper, gazing around the room, glancing at each individual person and taking note of their reaction.

Megan, Sophie, and Jamie all looked confused and a little bit afraid, though Sophie's expression still showed a lot of concern. Jamie, though bewildered, was staring at the small note in my hands with interest and curiosity. Megan met my eyes and frowned, tilting her head slightly to the right, and I could almost hear her thoughts: What the hell does that mean?

Cordelia and Pipes had identical expressions of shock plastered onto their faces, though there was fear in Cordelia's eyes as well. She clutched Pipes closer to her, though her eyes stayed trained on the note. Pipes glanced up at me and pursed his lips, before turning his hazel eyes back to his girlfriend, brushing his lips against her hair and murmuring softly to her.

And my mother - she looked dreadful. Her face had paled to a near-white color, her eyes wide with terror, her hands sporting a slight tremor. She met my gaze and swallowed, hard, and slowly made her way over to me, picking her way carefully through the pile of debris.

"Kriss," she whispered. "Give me the note."

I glanced once more down at the elegantly written words scrawled across the page. Quit while you still can.

Another shiver of fear crept down my spine, and wordlessly I handed Mother the note. She snatched it out of my hand and scanned it, her face somehow paling even more. Without another word, she turned and rushed out of the room, probably to find Mrs. Green, whom she normally talked with whenever something weird happened in the manor.

Mr. Abrams was the only one who still looked composed; in fact, he looked almost determined. He cleared his throat, and as one, six pairs of eyes turned to look at him.

"Quit while you still can," he recited. He glanced at me. "That's what it says, isn't it?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

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