OH NO.....?!

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McGee and Mark went to talk to Squirt in the messhall. After their confrontation with Gretchen's sibling they all ventured to find Gretchen, but there was no sign of Gretchen what so ever, they even had a weird feeling that they were being watched from afar. But their search came to an end when Rosebud called them for dinner (don't worry Mark was invited to their meal, they are nice people you know)

McGee:Man, all we did was look for Gretch, but still no progress

Mark:Yeah, I'm starting to feel like its been years since Gretchen left

Squirt:Same here, it's like she's never coming back. And I think it's my fault

Squirt said with sorrowful eyes

McGee:Hey, cheer up bud. I promise I shall not rest until Gretchen is back at camp safe and sound

He said while looking at his friend, Squirt smiled weakly and nervously said

Squirt:I always thought that you guys already knew, but....Gretchen and I are-

Squirt was cut off when he was inserted in a bag. McGee and Mark ran off before their attacker, and went straight to their cabin. They barricaded the door, while panting


McGee stated in pauses because of his panting, Mark was in full shock after the attack

Mark:Oh no!, McGee we have got to get out of here,.or else

As Mark finished his sentence, the two heard footsteps coming from the roof. Then the roof broke and revealed two buff cats, before any of them could say anything they were both stuffed in a sack


The cat guards came back to the castle of the cat princess, as they entered the palace they knelt in front of the throne and showed their prisoners

PERSON:Princess, we have caught the perpetrators

The cat princess grinned and stood up from her throne

Cat lady:You may leave them here

The buff cats tied them to chairs that were facing the throne and exited the room. McGee and Mark stiffened when the princess came closer to them, while Squirt stared at the figure with sad eyes

Cat lady:Hello, brother

She stared directly at Squirt and grinned wickedly, while Mark and McGee's jaws touched the floor. They were really shocked that Gretchen was wearing a gown, and she was half cat, white fur, Gretchen was wearing a light orange gown, glass slippers, her hair was still pigtailed, she also had a dark blue cloak. Her delicate paws grasping onto her staff which was beautifully designed with a cat figure that was similar to her, and finally they stared at her forehead which has an orange heart-skull icon.  They stared in awe at the new Gretchen, after that she tapped her staff against the floor. The three campers were surrounded by Violet energy then transformed Squirt into a Mouse, Mark into a Bird, and finally McGee into a Dog.

Gretchen:Before anyone asks, yes I'm Gretchen

(Hello fellow McGretch lovers I just wanted to say Thank you to each and everyone of you that has supported me on this story. And if any of you fine folks have questions about a part of my story, you can leave your question on the comments. Thank you)

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