~Chapter 12~

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Present time ~ Betty's POV ~ 21 February 2019 ~ 1:20 am

"Omg what are you doing here Malachi!?" I whispered yelled. He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" I yelled and made him release my arm from its grip.

"You don't wanna wake your parents do you?" He asked angry.

"Why are you even here?...huh?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I suggested you stay calm princess, or do you want me to repeat last time?" I instantly became silent and felt tears filling my eyes, slowly I set a step back.

He laughed, "Well now I know how to shut you up"

"It's been three years, three years is long and I'm not scared of you anymore", I said.

"It's been long, indeed, but I think you remember it as it was yesterday. Isn't that right, beautiful?" He asked stepping closer to me and raised his hand to twirl a peace of my hair but I backed my head behind.

"I remember everything before you gave me drugs", I said quietly. He laughed so I assume he heard my comment.

"I'm here for my child", he spoke.

"What child?" I asked confused, literally not knowing what he was talking about.

"You are hiding my child from me and I want to see it", he said now louder.

"Stop telling me lies", I answered.

"You don't accuse the leader of the ghoulies for lying" My eyes grew wide as he said ghoulies, Jughead told me about them but I didn't know Malachi was taking the lead.

"You're serpents biggest enemy", I whispered. He turned around as he exclaimed, "Great! He told you about us"

I looked at him and he was still turned around, I doubted a little but then slowly tiptoed away.

"And what did so called loverboy said about you having my child", he said and turned around, he sighed angry as he saw that I almost escaped from his conversation.

Malachi walked over and grabbed my wrists aggressively. I looked down at his grip and felt how a tear rolled down my cheek.

"He doesn't know and it's not yours...please let go of me", I sobbed.

"Don't lie Elizabeth, you had a baby and it's mine", he raised his voice this time. I tried to move away but he was so strong, I remembered it from the last time he held me so hard.

"Now tell me is it a boy or a girl?" He asked. I said nothing.

"I asked is it-..." but he got cut of by a familiar voice.

"It's none of your business", the one and only Veronica Lodge said behind him.

"Go away you bitch", he yelled.

"Let Betty go", she demanded.

"And why the hell would I listen to you?" He still had strong grip on me, it actually started to hurt.

"JUST LISTEN TO HER AND LET BETTY GO!" Suddenly Cheryl yelled that from the middle of the street as she walked towards us.

Malachi loosened his grip and Veronica pulled me towards her. "I see there are people who actually care about you", he smirked.

"I swear to god if you don't leave now", Cheryl threatened him as soon she was standing next to me and Veronica.

Malachi started to walk away with his hands in his pants pockets. "They don't have your back 24/7!" He yelled his way towards the street.

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Once he was out of our vision I broke down, Veronica pulled me into a hug and Cheryl rubbed me back. "Let's go inside", Veronica said and leaded me inside, Cheryl behind me.

I sat down on the couch and twisted my wrists as I was still recovering from the pain. "Cousin are you okay?" Cheryl asked.

I nodded lightly, "I am now"

"Cheryl what were you even doing outside at night?" Veronica asked her.

"My rendezvous with Toni ran out and luckily it did..who was that and why was he yelling at you?"

"That was Malachi, leaded of the ghoulies aka enemies from the serpents", I explained, "He came saying he wants his child back"

Both Cheryl and Veronica gave me confused looks, "Was he talking about...", Veronica asked.

"I..I think so", I cut her off.

"Wait that makes no sense, Jughead is the father", Cheryl said. I looked down, "Jughead is the father right?", Cheryl then asked for confirmation.

A tears rolled down my face and I wiped it away before answering, "I'm not sure anymore"

I saw their minds were now filled with hundreds of questions so I told them the story, the thing that happens three years ago.

Tears escaped my eyes and my hand moved up and down to wipe them away. "Bee, I'm so sorry, you could've told us we could've helped you", both Cheryl and Veronica said at the end of my story.

"I..I pretend li..like it never happened and I..I tried not to think about it", I sighed deep, "Jughead and I did it a few weeks after so I assumed it what his"

"Why didn't you do a DNA test?" Cheryl asked.

"I also wasn't sure if Malachi really....really did it", I started to cry again, both Veronica and Cheryl, who were sitting next to me on the couch hugged me tight. "And I still have no idea why he did it, it was a one-time thing but I never got answers", I added.

"It's okay Betty, we'll help you", Veronica whispered.

Once they all pulled out the embrace I stood up, "Where you going?" Veronica asked.

"Going to check up on Kaylee", I replied and then made my way upstairs.

Upstairs, I walked over to Kaylees little bed that was next to mine. She was peacefully asleep but woke up when I kneeled down and gave her a kiss on her head.

"Close your eyes baby, mommy's here", I whispered.

"No..up", she mumbled.

"Alright come on", I said and picked her up.

Suddenly I felt two warm hand on my shoulders, I panicked but relaxed immediately when I turned around and saw my mom and dad standing there.

"Honey, how long have you been awake we heard noises downstairs", me mom asked.

"It's nothing mom, Veronica and couldn't sleep so we invited Cheryl", I explained, "I'm sorry go back to sleep we will be quiet", I hugged both of them and then went back downstairs.

"Vwee, Chwerry", Kaylee mumbled through her pacifier as I sat down on the couch.

"Hey honey", they both said. Kaylee was now laying on top of me with her arms wrapped around my neck and her head snuggled against mine.

"So what if she's Malachi's?" Cheryl asked.

I sighed, "I don't know I just don't want something to happen to her"

"We'll protect her", Veronica spoke.

"Malachi is strong and I know what he's capable of, he'll come back to hurt me. I know it"

"Kayls..", I whispered, she looked up with her tired eyes. "Mommy loves you so much, whatever ever happens mommy will always love you" I even got tears in my eyes.

"Mommy sad", she said.

"Yes mommy is a little bit sad", Veronica said.

"Baby do you understand what I said?"

"Yea, I wove you to", Kaylee said and snuggled her head back where it was before.

"I'm not sure how much longer I can hold you in this embrace", I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her small body.

I wasn't sure if she hears me but Veronica and Cheryl did 'cause they gave me a sad smile.

"Promise you'll take care of her in case something happens to me", I said serious to Veronica and Cheryl.

"Nothing's gonna happen to you, both of you. We will not let that happen and neither will Jughead"

"Just promise it...in case", I sobbed.

"I promise"

"I promise"

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