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Recap: Glancing around to make sure I'm alone, I then dig around to find Satan's gift. I unwrap it and open the box. Inside was a beautiful moon necklace (picture above) and a note. Will you go on a date with me? -S. Ok, that was super sweet of him. I melted, thinking of him picking out this necklace. I pulled out my phone and texted Satan. Yes, when? He replied instantly again. How about tomorrow after school? I could drive you to our date. OH. Do you think you could wait for an hour? That way I can get ready? it took a few seconds for him to reply. Alright a hour. Dress comfy. Don't go fancy. You're beautiful just the way you are.

Satan's Point of View(POV for future use)

Now: I can't believe she said yes! I mean, I always thought that no girl would want to go someplace with a guy who doesn't speak. I had to get my sister to call and reserve the necklace I wanted to buy for Amity before I went the next day to pay for it and take it home to wrap. I wrote the note just for something else. However my sister saw and snuck it in last second and taped it shut before I could get it out. I made her tell me what the note said. 

Either way, I was still shocked when she sends me a text saying she wants to go on a date with me. I glance at my sister, who is smirking at me. I blow her a kiss. "Love ya too bro," she says, understanding. I enjoy the cookie Amity brings me and scoot close to her, my body brushing up to hers. I plan the date as she slowly gets drowsy. I lean her body into me as she falls asleep. I let her sleep like that for a while and then lay her across my lap. I close my eyes and pass out too.

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