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Kion woke up and  yawned before he got up, and walked out of Pride Rock, ready for patrol for the day. He walked to where the Guard would meet up every day, everyone was already there waiting for him, everyone except Bunga. Kion knew that after their incident that he probably wouldn't be willing to show up. So they started patrol without him.

Meanwhile Bunga was walking around the Pridelands, wondering if he should even show up for patrol, he was still upset after the argument him and Kion had yesterday, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard footsteps approaching him, he turned around and saw an outlander lioness,"hello Bunga,"

Everyone continued patrol for the day and nothing unusual happened. Kion and the Guard were going to go meet up with Vitani, but she already was there out of breath,"Vitani, what happened,"Kion asked. Vitani caught her breath and talked,"my mom.....she has Bunga,"everyone was shocked by what she told them. They all nodded at each other and they followed Vitani to the outlands where Zira's pride lived. Vitani told the Guard where Zira was keeping Bunga and she walked off, so her mother wouldn't become suspicious of her. Ono flew to check if Vitani was right, and she was, Bunga was being held captive with two lioness guards watching him. 

The Guard snuck around and needed a plan to break Bunga out. The plan was Beshte would go in and knock out the Guards, Kion would try to fend off any other lions, and Fuli would run in and retrieve Bunga while Ono would be on the lookout. The Guard snuck in and Beshte ran and knocked down the lionesses. But that quickly caught the attention of a few outlander lionesses and Fuli quickly went in and retrieved Bunga,"Fuli, whats going on,"Bunga stood up and Fuli walked up to him,"were busting you out, c'mon,"Bunga got on top of Fuli's back and they ran out before any more Outlanders could show up. The Guard was already on their way back to the Pridelands, right as they were about to cross the boarder, Kion was knocked down. Kion winced in pain from the scratch and he looked up and saw Zira standing in front of him with a sinister smile formed on her face as she slowly walked up to the cub,"hello there Kion,"she said. Kion slowly started to back away,"wh-who are you,"he said. Zira chuckled at the cub,"my name is Zira, I am the leader of the outlanders,"Zira circled around Kion in order to intimidate him,"what do you want,"Zira let out a small cackle,"simple, REVENGE,"Zira tried to lunge at the cub, but he quickly dodged her,"RUN,"Kion shouted. Him and the guard quickly sprinted towards the Pridelands, with Zira following close behind,"THIS ISN'T MY FIRST TIME KILLING A CUB,"she shouted at him. Zira jumped at Kion and pinned him down. Kion was struggling to break free, but her grip was to strong. She raised her paw with her claws out, ready to strike him down."NO,"shouted a voice. Right when Zira looked up, a yellow blur knocked her off of Kion. Zira stood back up to see that it was a cheetah that ruined her chance to kill Kion. The Guard continued to run back to the Pridelands and Zira couldn't make it in time. So she stood there with an angry look on her face before going home.

The Guard also went back home, and just as Bunga was about to walk away, Kion stopped him,"Bunga, wait,"Bunga turned around annoyed,"what do you want,"he said trying to hold in his anger,"I want to talk, about yesterday,"Bunga turned around and began to walk away,"forget it, clearly you only see me as a Stupid Orphan,"Kion walked up to him,"but you were right, Zuri was just a small crush, I should have listened to you,"Bunga stopped walking and faced Kion,"don't you realize how much those things you said hurt me,"Kion's ears flopped down out of regret,"I'm sorry Bunga, you are my best friend, I never meant any of it, please,"Bunga thought about it and took in a deep breath,"Im going to need some time to think about it, but for now we are not friends, I have to go home now,"Bunga turned away and ran home, leaving Kion alone, he tried his best not to cry,"are you alright,"Kion turned his head and saw Fuli walk up to him,"yeah, I-I'm fine,"Fuli didn't believe him, she did see the tears forming on his eyes,"Kion, be honest,"Kion started to cry and he leaned against Fuli, at first she was suprised, but she didn't resist and she comforted her friend,"I-I'ts my fault..A-and now he isn't my friend because of what I said,"Kion said while crying. Fuli felt bad for Kion, it pained her to see him like this, she never liked to see Kion upset in general,"you just need to give it time, he will forgive you eventually,"Kion continue to lean against Fuli as he continued to cry, he didn't really care about how awkward it was, and neither did Fuli. 

Her and Kion walked around the Pridelands to let Kion calm down. Kion did appreciate Fuli being there for him, it made him feel happy, and eventually he stopped crying. They walked to Fuli's den and just sat there together looking up at the night sky."thank you Fuli, for being there for me,"Fuli smiled at Kion,"no problem, you and the Guard are like family,"after she said that, a saddened expression grew on her, and Kion noticed,"do you miss them, your parents,"She nodded at him,"yes, I always wondered why they left me here those years ago, sometimes I wondered if they even loved me,"Kion nuzzled Fuli to confort her,"I'm sure they cared about you, and if they didn't, then they missed out on a lot,"Fuli smiled at Kion,"thank you Kion,"Fuli went in and hugged Kion, at first he was suprised and even blushed by the display of affection, but then he smiled and hugged back,"your welcome Fuli,"after a few minuets, both felines fell asleep together in each others embrace.

There is a reason why this is set in the time period that season 1 was in, its because KionxFuli had the best Romantic chemistry during that season. Lets face it they had garbage chemistry in season 3 and we all know it. But thank you for reading this and remember to vote and comment.

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