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Hey ya all!
So I'm back with a surprise update!!

Hope ya all enjoy it and be sure to vote, comment and share:)

P.s. the photo above is Zayaans look


Third Person's POV:
Taking of his coat, Zayaan slumped on the couch. Feeling jet lagged from the long journey, he just wanted to fall on the bed and sleep but he knew he couldn't do so. He missed his wife's presence alot, a smile formed on his face as he remembered how his wife would bring coffee every evening into his study.

How her scent would drive him to madness. Controlling his thoughts, he focused his attention on the task at hand. Sometimes, no most of the times he felt guilty for keeping his wife in the dark. But he was afraid, afraid of losing her if she found out about his past. And that thought killed him.

He loved that woman from the bottom of his heart and miraculously now that he had gotten her, there was no way he was losing her. There was a knock on the door of his hotel room and he already knew who it was. Sighing, he grabbed his wallet and the key card, and made his way towards outside.

A smirking Shehryar stood infront of the door. Rolling his eyes, he started moving towards the elevator. Sometimes he really questioned himself as to how him and Shehryar had ended up becoming friends.

Shehryar was the kind of guy who would never waste an opportunity to flirt with anyone where as he, he just had eyes for one person. He had first met him when he had started his company. He would be lying if he said that the guy didn't have a brain. That was one of his strong points that made him an important asset to the company.

"Are they here?"

"Yeah they are waiting in the lobby for us." Zayaan nodded his head in affirmative as they continued going down. The elevator stopped in between and a brunette entered. He noticed Shehryar checking the girl out and rolled his eyes. It seemed that the girl herself was taking some interest in him as she stared at Shehryar shyly.

The elevator dinged and Zayaan couldnt be more glad to get out of there. "There they are." Shehryar announced and they walked towards the men who were here to sign the deal. Upon noticing them, the men stood up in respect. They shook hands with them and settled down.

The rest of the meeting was passed in discussion and finally the papers were signed.


Zayaan dressed into his navy blue suit and fixed his tie. He remembered how every morning, his wife would do simple chores like these with a bright smile on her face. It was her eyes that always held him captive, those brown eyes that always seemed to make his heart race or bring him to his knees. If only that woman knew the affect she had on him.

Zayaan groaned as he struggled with the tie. Somehow all his thoughts seem to revolve around her. He had been missing her alot, her soft voice, her soft touch, her captivating eyes and the list could go on. Ever since he had came here, he hadn't been able to talk to her properly, these damn meetings had kept him busy and tired.

Once he was satisfied with his look, he took the lift down to the basement. He got into the rented BMW and entered the location onto the GPS. The hotel in which the party was held, was atleast 20 minutes away. Without further thoughts, he started driving.


The party was as good as it could get. Meeting one business partner after the other, it wasnt something new to him. His business mask was back on, his calculative eyes drifting from one person to another. It was the last place he wanted to be at.

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