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Error was paralyzed, barely five minutes since they left the ruins and an apparently threatening monster - by the tone of voice at least - has already found them. Although he looked like a very young monster in relation to his voice, but age did not matter they already met children of the same age as them and these children have already caused a black eye in them more than once.

"Ya don't know how to say hello to a new brah?" The monster behind them spoke again with the menacing, husky, dry tone from before causing a shiver down his spine "turn around and shake mah hand"

Not wanting to face the possible consequences if they refuse to do what they were asked to do, they found themselves slowly looking down.
The monster in front of them extends his hand for them to shake. The monster's hand was skeletal, in the literal sense despite being more robust than a human skeleton and was wearing a light blue-green glove.
As requested they take one hand out of the pocket of his sweatshirt to shake the monster's hand, but instead when they were about to touch the monster's hand they notice a red thing in the palm of his hand and he turns it over to see that red thing was actually a button.

"Ah!" the monster exclaims when Error had turned his hand over "Okay, ya got me! It was all a prank. Looks like that the old shock button prank doesn't work on ya."

Error finally stops looking down when they realizes that the tone of the monster's voice was no longer threatening but playful. The monster was a little taller than them and was in fact a living skeleton, although it was very different from how the school history books showed - and no, Error wasn't complaining at all - the skeleton wore a well-striped sweatshirt colorful, an orange shorts, a red and yellow cap and sunglasses with yellow and blue letters on it. In a nutshell 80s style to say enough, either that or a rainbow threw up on him,it was Error could guess.

"So you're a human, right?" The monster spoke again making Error look at him "how did you get in here? You're not going to do anything un-cool with me, are you?"

Although he was smiling, the tone in which the monster spoke had a clear nervousness in him.
Error looked right at the skeleton in front of him and shook their head negatively, there was no reason for Error to do such a thing to him and it's not like they could harm him even though Toriel had been taught the basics recently.

"Cool! It makes me more chill. Nothing personal, but humans don't have a good reputation down here, ya feel me?" the skeleton said, now with a more relaxed posture, and received a positive nod from Error. Of course, they knew that the monsters would not like any human after being thrown under the ground by them.

"Now that everything is cooler,name's Fresh by tha way, and yours?"

"Error" the smallest said with less enthusiasm than the skeleton.

"Cool name!" Fresh exclaimed excitedly "So how did you end up here in Snowdin?"

Error raised an eyebrow at the question. 'Snowdim'? So that was the name of the place where they were, it made sense it was full of snow everywhere.

"I fell in a hole ... on Mount Ebott" Error said, shrugging his shoulders, telling a short version of what happened.

"Wow! Didn't it hurt?" Fresh asked in alarm even though Error looked clearly physically well.

"A little" Error answered a little uncertainly, in fact it hurt more after than when they fell on the flowers but they were passed out so there was no way to know precisely.

The skeleton was about to say something more to Error but he stopped when he noticed something on the other side of the bridge.

"Hey, I think my big bro is coming over there" Fresh said looking and pointing to the other side of the bridge.

Error turned to see another skeleton there. He appeared to be older than them and Fresh but he was not an adult, he was probably only a few years older than the two of them.

"I better go over there and tell him about ya, otherwise he can have some unradical conclusions and end up eh ... attacking you .." Fresh said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and then regretting what he said when he saw the human in front of you swallow scared dry "But you have nothing to worry about! He won't do anything to you after I talk to him, okay?"


"Great! Just stay here while I'm going to talk with my brah" Fresh says and quickly goes to where his brother is.

In a cold sweat, Error just watched the skeleton running to talk to his brother for a few seconds, before their body started to fail with several 'ERROR' signs and pixels around them ending up as fast as it had started.

Sighing, Error sat down in a rock nearby. They should try to stop being so nervous, nervous and their faulty little problem really wasn't a good match.


"Hey,big broh!" Fresh exclaims waving to his older brother to get his attention.

"Fresh, I've been looking for you for a while. Have you been going where you shouldn't again?" the taller skeleton asked, laughing when a somewhat irritated expression formed on Fresh's face.

"Come on! That was once, and I was bored, ya can't blame me" Fresh shrugged his shoulders when he remembered when he went to venture into Snowdin's forest "Oh yeah! I want to tell ya something, but ya need to stay chill and don't jump to conclusions "

The older skeleton raised an eyebrow at what he heard. He looked closely at Fresh, trying to figure out if it was a prank or not.

"Okay, what is it?"

Then Fresh started to explain how he met Error, which caused his brother to sulk and the lights in his eyes to disappear.

"Uh ... Big broh?" Fresh swallows when he sees his brother's empty gaze.

"Yes, Fresh?"

"I know you don't like humans very much, but please don't do anything bad to them" said Fresh worried about how his brother would act if he saw Error.

The lights in his brother's eyes reappeared after what he said.
He thought for a while, letting out a faint murmur and looked at the smaller skeleton.

"You're really worried about this human, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I think so ..." said Fresh putting his hands in his pockets and avoiding eye contact while kicking the snow lightly.

"Okay, fine, I'm not going to do anything with them."

On a shelf, Fresh looks back at his brother hopefully.


His brother just nodded, making Fresh smile excitedly and walking away to find Error again.

The older skeleton follows him more calmly, though on alert because of the human. But he decided to meet the human first before anything, after all Fresh felt concern for them and he was quite aware of the problem of his little brother, who only felt strong emotions with very close friends or family.

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