That day, I started to notice that more conflicts kept coming up. I walked home from school, deciding to lay low and leave my car in the garage.
I gripped my backpack on my shoulders as I made my way down the sidewalk. I examined my surroundings, the trees and creatures around.
When I stop at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change and the cars to stop, I hear footsteps behind me, walking casually. I glance behind me, seeing a man in his early twenties walking casually towards the crosswalk. I smile a little and turn back to the street.
I hear another sound of footsteps beside me, down the other sidewalk connected to the one I was on. I glance over and see another guy walking towards the crosswalk towards me, about the same age as the other guy.
At this, I find it a little suspicious, but I turn back to the crosswalk and wait. The two men are getting close to me, and before I knew what was happening, they were both running towards me.
I gasp, not having enough time to react or anywhere to go, as they grab my biceps and start to pull me away with them. I kick and fight and struggle against their hands, but their grips are like iron.
One hits me in the face, trying to get me to calm down, and I feel blood trickle from my nose. I squirm as they pull me further down the street, shouting and yelling, but no one helps.
"Let me go, you idiots!" I shout, slamming my foot backwards and connecting with something. The guy behind me grunts in pain, and I keep kicking and punching.
The guys restrain my wrists and arms, holding them behind me with all their might. I can feel them ripping my sleeves and digging their nails into my arms. I cry out in pain, still fighting.
I manage to free one of my hands, and I whirl around and slam my clenched fist into one of their faces. The dude falls backwards into a bush, but the other guy recovers and grabs my wrist, pulling it back behind my back.
"Leo, get up!" He shouts to the other guy in the bush, Leo. Leo quickly regains himself and stands up, pulling rope out of his backpack. I squirm and fight.
"Ryan, she won't hold still," Leo says to Ryan, trying to tie my wrists up and failing miserably. Ryan tries to get me to calm down as they drag me towards a big black Range Rover.
"Just forget it, dude, I don't think Tony will care," he says, leading me closer to the car.
I'm still trying to fight back, making this harder and harder for both of them. I can still feel blood flowing from a cut on my lip and my nose, as well as bruises and cuts on my arms.
Tony. Oh my gosh... I can't believe it. My street racing has been getting me into more trouble then I knew.
At this, I start to fight back harder. I break free of their grips just as they try to shove me into the car. I punch one in the face and take off running. They follow a little ways but then stop, not moving, saying it wasn't worth it.
I keep running until my legs ache, until I'm so lost in the maze of sidewalks that even if they wanted to come find me, they wouldn't be able to know where to go.
I pause a second, catching my breath, I lean my hands on my knees. I notice the holes in my sleeves, the cuts and bruises all over my arms. I wipe my face with my sleeve, seeing the blood smeared on my sleeves.
I glance behind me, and know that I'm safe now. My heart was racing fast, and I kept trying to calm myself down, without any luck.
"Calm down, Luna, your okay now," I whisper to myself. I look around, at the cars driving down the streets.
I didn't know who to go to. I had no idea who to talk to about what happened. I couldn't tell my parents, or even my brother, or even Caitlyn. She would just tell me it's too dangerous and I need to quit racing. But I can't.
Then one person came to my mind.

Street Racer
Teen FictionLuna Lake is a rebellious teenager. Her brother is a police officer, and she's constantly sheltered and cooped up, hidden from the world. At least, that's what her family thinks. Her rebellious streak shows often when her family isn't around. Mainly...