Suddenly, we notice people approaching.
We jump down and warn the other two. Piomi whips up a fog so we can get away.
We climb on Dove and fly up. We peer down at the ground to see who it is. A fire nation scout.
We quickly get away.
We land in some woods. Katara noticed a town nearby, so she's going into town to get more food for Dove.
Piomi and I work on airbending.
Sokka leans against a tree and stretches, then relaxes.
We continue practicing for hours.
Katara comes back with food. "I met someone in town. He's nice."
Piomi says "Well, we will have to go soon."
Katara nods, then feeds some food to Dove.
Sokka's snoring.
Katara packs some other stuff, then splashes Sokka with water.
He wakes up and sputters. "KATARA! Why did you do that?!"
"We have to go, Sokka."
He grumbles, but moves to the saddle and immediately falls asleep again.
Piomi and I jump up and land delicately. I'm in the saddle, she's on Dove's head.
Katara climbs up. Piomi whips up a cloud, then says "Fii Fii!"
Sokka's still asleep, snoring loudly.
I stretch, then look over the edge of the saddle, holding my glider.
I close my eyes.
*+*Near their next stop*+*
Piomi gasps "Oh no.. This is horrible..."
We all look and see a giant scar on the land.
Dove lands. Sokka jumps down and scoops up a handful of the charred ground. "The Fire Nation burned this place down.."
Piomi frowns.
I jump down, and look at it all. There's acorns everywhere.
I pick one up. "Acorns are tough."
Piomi, who's sadly staring at a patch of soot with no acorns, asks "Why are you saying that?"
Katara tosses an acorn to Piomi "These acorns are everywhere! The forest will grow back."
I nod "Soot can be good to help plants grow as well."
Piomi smiles and buries the acorn Katara gave her.
We climb back into Dove's saddle and go near the village. Dove stays in the woods.
Piomi goes to change into her Earth Kingdom disguise. She likes to wear her normal clothes unless going into places with lots of people.
She wears a headband to cover her arrow.
Katara, Sokka and I change into clothes for warmer weather. I have to take his clothes, since my clothes are all Fire Nation clothing.
Sokka grumbles "We need to get you clothes so you stop taking mine."
I roll my eyes. Sokka throws an acorn at me. I grumble and pick it up, aiming it at him.
Piomi says "Calm down! Let's just go into the village, please?"
I sigh and put the acorn in my pocket without realizing.
We go into the village. It looks like it's been attacked recently.
Someone walks over to us. "We haven't had visitors in a while. We should get inside before the sun sets."
Sokka asks "What happens after sundown?"
The person sighs "A spirit, Hei Bai, has been attacking our village every night, taking one of our own. If only the Avatar could help us. They are the bridge between the spirit world and this one."
Piomi gasps "The solstice is soon.. The worlds will be so close they're almost inseparable.."
The person nods sadly. Sokka grabs my arm and takes me a bit away. He whispers "You should help these people. They'll all be gone soon.."
I look at all the people. They're scared.
I nod. "I should help them.. Uncle would help them."
Sokka and I walk over to Piomi and Katara.
The sun starts to set, so everyone heads inside. I hide in some wreckage, waiting for the Hei Bai.
When the spirit rushes into the town, I jump out and try to deter it.
Hei Bai smacks me away and continues wrecking the town.
I continue trying to get Hei Bai to stop, but they just ignore me.
Sokka rushes past me and throws his boomerang at Hei Bai.
Hei Bai turns and grabs Sokka, running into the woods. I chase after them, speeding up with airbending.
I grab my glider when passing Dove and start flying after Sokka.
I reach for his hand, when he and Hei Bai vanish.
I crash into something and land on sooty ground. I groan, then pass out.
I get up, feeling lighter than usual. I look up at the thing I ran into.
A bear statue.
I look around to see if there's any trace of Sokka or any other people, but I can't find any.
I sigh and open my glider to fly back to Dove before walking into town.
I try to airbend, but I fall. I stand up as the sun rises.
I look at my hands. Blue.
Am I in the spirit world? I must be..
I look around more. "Sokka? Are you here?"
I hear something and turn to see a spirit dragon flying towards me.
I take several steps back, but this dragon feels familiar..
It lands in front of me.
I stare at the dragon in awe.
It lays its head down, inviting me to ride.
I sit down. This feels familiar. I hold onto the dragons horns as it takes off.
I pay attention to where we're going.
The Fire Nation. Specifically, the sages temple.
The dragon flies into the temple, then up to the ceiling.
I brace myself for an impact, but we go through it.
The dragon lands, moving it's head so I can get off.
I look up to see a statue of Avatar Roku.
I turn to the dragon. "Why did you bring me here?"
The dragons whisker touches my forehead.
I get a vision of a comet. The vision fades. "A comet.. Sozin's comet?"
The dragon nods. I ask "Does Roku want me to come here?" The dragon nods again.
"When should I come here?"
The dragon lowers its head, showing a light beam. It's near Rokus statue. I look down at the floor and realize that it's a calendar.
"The solstice?"
The dragon nods, then lowers its head. I climb on, holding on to the horns.
We fly back. I take the time to memorize how to get there.
Sozin's comet is dangerous, so I probably should talk to Roku. Plus, I don't want to go against a dragon.
We fly back to my body, which is still laying at the statues feet.
I wake up, feeling heavier now. I look at my hands, which aren't blue anymore. I'm in the living world again.
I open my glider and fly back to Dove.