don't be a buzzkill

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"Alright dancers, listen up!" Emily called out loudly to the A Troupers as they were running through a section of their ten person dance with Daniel. Everyone looked around nervously as the studio head usually only made announcements about something bad. "I have some bad news. Miss Kate had informed me that only one team can represent the next step at regionals. This means we have to go head to head against TNS west."

Everyone let out mutters of disappointment and worry. Although they didn't yet have a full team, TNS west's hip hop was next level and they were becoming a really strong team. They knew that bringing their a game was not an option, it was a necessity. Harper was especially nervous because despite not being on speaking terms with Michelle, she still didn't want to face off against her sister.

"Good work today, feel free to stay but you're dismissed." The stern studio head told all the dancers with an unsmiling face. Everyone slowly started to exit the studio but before Harper could, Richelle caught her.

"Harps, you haven't really kept me up to date with what's happening. Is everything okay with Noah?" The blonde asked quietly so that Emily wouldn't hear. She wasn't a fan of having her dancers distracted by drama, especially relationship drama. Although from what Harper had heard, Emily was the queen of drama when she was on A Troupe.

"Yeah sorry about that, I just feel like I haven't had a good chance to catch you up. Basically, Jacquie told Noah that he should get over her and that him and me should be together instead." Richelle couldn't fight the smile that entered her face as she listened to her best friend. She had always been routing for Harper and Noah because she knew they would make each other happy.

"So are you gonna date him? I think the two of you would be really great for each other." Lola said encouragingly with her warm smile and Harper shrugged at her. She really didn't know what she would do.

"Well it hasn't affected your dancing or anything so far so I think you're pretty good at separating the two. Personally I wouldn't but I do think you guys are cute." Richelle said which surprised the other two. She was never one for relationships, especially that interferes with dance, but Harper appreciated her support.

"I don't know, it's a big thing so I'm gonna have to think about it. Hopefully it won't start interfering with my dancing now that we have this battle." Harper said as she grabbed her water bottle. The other two exchanged a smirk as they noticed their friend was warming up to the idea of dating Noah but they all decided it was time to go home.

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The next day at the studio was certainly an interesting one. TNS east were doing a technique and strengthening class with Richelle leading them when Ozzy, a goofy dancer from TNS west, walked in.

"Guys I need help!" The ex-J Trouper exclaimed dramatically as he rushed into their studio. Richelle didn't look all too pleased to see Ozzy, firstly because he was interrupting her rehearsal but also because he had a ginormous crush on her. "I need pledges as soon as possible."

"Are these pledges for the dance-a-thon?" Noah asked as he struggled not to crack up at the younger boy. Harper couldn't help but feel bad for the kid as he nodded sheepishly, he'd obviously forgotten about it and didn't get any pledges in time. "Isn't it a little late for that?"

"Yeah it's late, that's why I came here." The younger brunette replied urgently as he looked around at everyone desperately.

"You know what, I'll give you five bucks." Noah told him generously and Harper couldn't help but feel her stomach flutter inside. She continued to deny that she still liked Noah, but when he did things like it really showed how kind he was and that was one of the biggest reasons she liked him.

"Great, anyone else?" Ozzy asked as his eyes scanned the room once more, before they landed on Richelle.

"Here we go." Harper muttered under her breath to Lola who chuckled in response as the two of them earned a playful glare from said girls.

"Richelle," Ozzy murmured as he strutted confidently over to the blonde. "I got a pledge for you, my undying love." Everyone in the group stifled their giggles, or at least attempted to. Ozzy was just so goofy it was hard not to laugh at his attempts to win Richelle's heart. Harper did sympathise with him though as she knew Richelle better than anyone and there was no way she would go for someone like Ozzy.

"Not a chance." Richelle told him, her harsh eyes glaring straight through the boy. Ozzy brushed it off and luckily didn't take it too harsh as he looked around for anyone else to offer him pledges. Harper was going to offer him some money towards the dance-a-thon because at the end of the day it was a great cause, but then Emily walked out of her office. She did not look impressed.

"What's going on in here?" Emily demanded as she folded her arms sternly and glared at Ozzy.

"He's trying to get pledges for the dance-a-thon." Josh explained as he was still trying to contain his laughter. Emily turned her attention back to Ozzy and sent him a sarcastic smile.

"I'll give you ten dollars if you leave." She offered him, but knowing Ozzy, he would always push it that little bit further.

"Make it a hundred." He challenged as he squared up to Emily but was soon shot down when the studio head threatened to make it even less. "You know what, your name's down for ten." The goofy dancer said as he jogged out of the studio before Emily could change her mind.

She returned to her office and the dancers continued to rehearse with Richelle. Their technique was all looking solid so she let them go early as Emily had said if they wanted to attend the dance-a-thon, that was okay.

"Hey Harper," Noah called out to the girl as she walked into the locker room. "Are you going to the dance-a-thon?" In all honesty, Harper wasn't sure if she could face Michelle. They two of them hadn't spoken in weeks, not even at home.

"No, I think I'll just head home." She told him with a brief smile as she opened her locker to pack up her dance bag. Noah knew that he hadn't won her over yet, but the dance-a-thon could be a great way to rekindle their friendship so she would properly forgive him.

"Come on don't be a killjoy, I know you and Michelle are on bad terms but it's for a really good cause." The girl visibly tensed up at the mention of her sister, but her eyes softened when she looked at Noah.

"I'm not being a killjoy I just-" she cut herself off when she saw the look he was giving her. Harper had to admit she did sound like a little bit of a buzzkill. "Fine." She finally gave in and the two of them made their way to studio A. It seemed that she was finally warming up to Noah again, they were finally getting somewhere.

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