Time passed by without any issue for Jungkook and Taehyung. They didn't hear from Rose again so they assumed that she was either planning something big or given up due to Taehyung's security. Whatever the reason, Namjoon has not relaxed the security measures around Tae at all.
It was convenient that the target is Tae rather than Jin because it's difficult to have protection around Jin throughout his day. He has to go to the university and it's not practical for him to teach with all the bodyguards around. Which is actually the main reason he begged the protection to be removed last time too.
On the other hand, it's perfectly feasible for V to be protected 24/7 as it's a part of an idols life. He was surrounded by people all the time and Jungkook accompanies him whenever he can too.
Tae's schedule has begun to get filled once again as he has few shows coming up. He was busy with practice and was exhausted most of the days and whatever the time he has to spare, he spends it with Jungkook.
Their sex life has improved drastically after a certain upgrade in Jungkook's teleporting ability.
After a huge shouting match that happened at Taehyung's house, well Taehyung was shouting while Jungkook tried to calm him down, Jungkook took the initiative to practice with his teleporting abilities.
They were arguing about what will happen if Rose did managed go get a hold on Taehyung just like she did with Jin. Jungkook stated that he is perfectly capable of coming to Taehyung and bringing him back while the elder refused point blank saying that he will not come with Jungkook when it'll clearly put the younger in a coma again.
After Taehyung screamed that he'll rather stay with Rose than put the younger's life in danger, Jungkook stormed off angrily. However, he returned few hours later and apologised, making Taehyung cry in relief.
He then shared his plan about training to teleport taking someone else along for the ride and managed to convince Taehyung to help him. They first tried it in the hospital, for the obvious health risks and successfully teleported from one room to another.
They gradually increased the distance until Jungkook is able to freely come and go, taking not only Taehyung, but also anyone else. Jin and Jimin were more than happy to be part of his experiments.
So now he's perfectly capable of coming to Taehyung's room and taking him back to his house and that's exactly what he did whenever the elder asked for a little personal time.
They were having a lot of wild sex without having to worry about any disturbances or awkwardness. Tae was sure that his stamina has never been this high. Jungkook certainly makes him do an intense workout even more than his dance instructors.
The downside of this upgrade was noted when Jimin was late for office one day and had asked Jungkook to take him from his home to office. Jungkook made a point to say that he is not a courier boy but still helped his hyung.
After a while he stopped protesting and helped whenever his friend asked. And Jin used the courier service few time too. But for Jin, it was more about the fascination of teleporting rather than the actual necessity.
Jungkook is backstage at one of Taehyung's concerts. V has been phenomenal and the crowd was loving it. He performed his upbeat songs with the intense choreography, making the fans jump up and down and scream loud enough to shake the roof.
But the crowd really lost their shit when V performed his new hit song which is on the sensual side. Even Jungkook was left open mouthed.
He was torn between whether he should tell Taehyung to tone it down a bit and not getting a boner right there on the backstage. Jungkook was sure that many people are having very inappropriate fantasies about his fiance right now. He was exactly the same, not so long ago.
At the end of the show, V was interacting with the crowd as usual.
"How are you all this night?? Did you guys have funnnn.......??"
V asked, making the crowd scream in affirmation.
V then expressed his gratitude about coming to the show and how he enjoyed performing etc. He was nicely engaged with the fans when he heard a fanchant from a side.
He is familiar with the fanchants at his shows. Mostly it's his stage name, V, chanted in a specific way. Some of his songs have a different ones according to the music and song content but he didn't recognize this one.
And also normally it's the entire stadium that does the fanchant as it's very standard and all his fans know it by heart. But this particular chant started from one area and slowly spread to others, as if people who listened to it joined.
He had to listen to it for a while to finally understand what they are saying after more people joined and the sound got loud enough.
"Jeon Jungkook!! Jeon Jungkook!! JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!"
"Jeon Jungkook?" V asked in suprise. "Are you saying Jeon Jungkook?"
"Yes!!" Crowd roared in unison.
"You guys want him here? On the stage?"
"YES!!!" crowd screamed even louder.
V looked at Jungkook who was at the back hidden from the crowd and the younger had a shocked face. They have not talked about a situation like this so Taehyung didn't know what to do.
In his heart, he actually prefers if Jungkook came to stage as he wanted to proudly show off his fiance but at the same time, didn't want to pressure the younger. Standing in front of thousands of people can be very overwhelming.
"Well you guys have to call him then. If he likes, he'll come. If not, I'm not helping you guys." V says to the crowd after giving a mischievous grin and a wink to Jungkook.
The moment the words are out of the idol's mouth, the fans pick up the chant again.
"Jeon Jungkook!! Jeon Jungkook!! JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!"
Jungkook looks at Taehyung in suprise as the elder keeps his face turned to the crowd but he can see that Taehyung is fighting the smile that is threatening to come on to his face. He then looks at Namjoon who just shrugges his shoulders, indicating that Jungkook is free to do whatever he likes.
With just looking at Taehyung, Jungkook can see that the elder wants him on the stage too, even if he gave the decision to Jungkook. And he can never disregard what Taehyung want.
With slow, measured but confident steps, Jungkook walks to the stage where his superstar fiance is waiting.
As the crowd stops the chant and screams with an inhuman volume, Taehyung realises what the decision that Jungkook took. He stays still on the stage, his heart beating for what must be thousand time per minute, until finally he feels two strong hands wrapping around his waist.
"Hey baby." Jungkook says softly as he turns the elder towards him and gives a small kiss on to Taehyung's cheek.
Taehyung blushes heavily and looks at Jungkook with a question. Jungkook understands the question in elder's eyes and nods his head with approval. Taehyung then turns to the crowd, who are totally silent for the first time, and speaks in to the microphone with a radiant smile on his face.
"Hey guys, I want you to meet Jeon Jungkook, my fiance."

Did You Call Me Love? - Taekook Love Story.
FanfictionThe famous idol singer, V, seems to have a boyfriend. But nobody has seen him yet. They only see the hickies and and sometimes hears the sound of them being made. Start - 07/05/2020. End - 18/07/2020. Ranked #1 in vkook on 21/11/2021 A/N - story li...