Update 2: Masquerade's Audio Boogaloo

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This is the last sudden update after years of silence, I swear!

I've been wanting to voice this character for a while, hence the second book taking on a "podcast of a..." format. The video below is about a minute of prospective audio from him (and the opening of POATS). Do you like it? Would you listen to more in the future? Would you like me to voice some chapters from Masquerade's perspective in this book or just the second or would you like me to just...shut up?

Let me know in the comments below!


I don't want to talk about what happened. All I want is to ask you this: Do you believe in good guys? Do you believe some people are destined for great things, for friends and fortune?

Do you believe you're one of those people?

I did.

I mean, I'm not going to tell you to stop believing in fate or superheroes. Why listen to me? I'm a supervillain. A kidnapper and a would-be killer and a sixteen-year-old to boot. There's nothing I can say that would make you like me or even believe me, and I don't want to talk about what happened because you're all right. I was evil. I was cruel.

But if you believe in good guys, do you believe in bad guys?

I mean, if destiny chooses some people to be heroes, then fate's gotta pick some people to be villains, right?

What if you're not part of the group destined for great things? What if you're destined for a pitiful life of regret after your own horrible mistakes?

What if you're destined to become me?

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