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The year is 2020
Started with covid
And quarantine
Moved on to murderhornets
Or trakerjackers
Then one day
The world paused
And blew up in one night
We lost the life
Of a man
And countless
Just being them
Not doing anything wrong
Riots and protest
More murders
More pain
We saw Gen Z
Step up to the plate
And they are fighting non stop
But I'm a little diffrent
Yes black lives matter
Ye it's TRUE
But I also
That every life is diamond
In the rift
Now if you are
A rapeist
Then you forfeit your rights
Because you took another's
Those are the lives that dont matter
To me
I dont see color
I see how I am treated
And I am a Gen Z baby
Am I proud
Yes of the things we are doing
But I am also pissed
Because I was raised
By a military family
And I bv have family who is cops
And I am terrified of losing them
They are the good
They fight the battles we dont see
So yes I stand with black lives
But I also stand with the blue
Now you may be thinking how can I
Not pick or that
I am just as bad
But let me tell you
The world I'm in
Right now
Is not the world I want kids
To grow
Up in
I want everyone to be equal
But I also want to good cops to be there when needed
I probably sound ignorant
But trust me I'm not
Cops saved my life
And many others
But I see black lives
And I see their pain
And I know I cannot do anything
Because I dont know how it feels
Now come at me with abuse or rape
I can tell you all about it
But the movement of today
Is something
That I have no words
To help
So I give my support
To them
But also to my family who are cops
Because I want them home for dinner
But I also want the
black man or woman
Home with their kids
Because a child deserves parents
And I'll stick to my saying
Not all lives matter
Because of
Or murders
But black lives
And human lives
Until you take the rights
Of someone else

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