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6 years later

"CHIMON! Move away from the cupboard sweetie. If you slam it closed anymore I think daddy might explode!" Win said as he hoisted his son up into his arms and carried him into the living room.

The minute they were able, Win and Bright had started looking for an apartment together in Bangkok. The one they had decided one just happened to be perfect: open plan kitchen and living room with two bedrooms, spacious bathroom and a study, in which the space was split half for Win's fashion designs and half for Bright's musical instruments.

Win's career had been launched the minute he had stepped in New York and he had sky rocketed up the career ladder ever since. A major fashion branch had spotted Win Opas-iamkajorn-Chivaaree strutting through Times Square and picked him out immediately, asking whether he would be interested in a career in fashion. Of course, Win had jumped at the opportunity. Since then, Bright had to put up with sharing the study room.

Bright continued pursuing his music career, performing at clubs, bars, parks and anywhere he could find. Many places actually contacted him after a recommendation and paid him pretty good money for it too! When he began to get recognised, his career bloomed and eventually that won him a recording contract for an EP. Both boys seemed to have the careers they had always dreamed of.

"You can tell he's biologically yours: I've never met anyone else who can make that much noise!" Bright called over to Win as he brought Chimon into the room.

Sitting down on the sofa next to his husband, Win laughed and dropped his head in disbelief. He glanced up to Bright and raised an eyebrow, "And this is coming from you?"

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Bright chuckled and hit Win's arm playfully before leaning over and taking Chimon in his arms, "besides, your noise just means you gonna be a musician, right?! Maybe a drummer eh!"

Chimon laughed with squinted eyes and shuffled to sit in Bright's lap. Win smiled over at Bright; he knew just how lucky he was to have such a perfect family. They had decided to have a second child 2 years ago, shortly after Victor and Khana's wedding, and Win knew that nobody would have it any other way. They were really the perfect little family: Bright, Win, Prim and Chimon Opas-iamkajorn-Chivaaree.

"DADDY! PAPA! LOOK AT ME!" Prim screeched as she rushed out of her bedroom and skidded to stand in front of the TV. She had piled her hair onto her head using various hairpins and bands and applied her makeup thickly using the set her parents had brought her last Christmas. She spun in a circle, her dress flying out gracefully as she did.

Win struggled to keep his laughter in but managed to blurt out "Oh aren't you just the cutest thing!"

Bright smiled and joined his husband, "Wow Prim! Don't you look beautiful! Can I ask why you are wearing your bridesmaid dress though? That was in the top of your wardrobe little madam… I'm not even going to ask how you managed to get it down!"

"But daddy… I look pretty in this dress! I did all my hair with it and everything!" Prim moaned as she pulled her best glare face.

Bright moved Chimon, who had now fallen asleep against him, to Win and jumped up off the sofa before kneeling in front of Prim. Bright's daughter didn't stop her glare until she felt her father's hands beginning to tickle her ribs.

"Yes Prim you do look pretty in this dress. You looked perfectly beautiful at mine and Papas wedding too but I think it may be a tiny bit small for you now don't you think?" Bright said, showing the zip on the back of the dress which would no longer do up around Prim's older shape. Prim rolled her eyes and sighed in agreement.

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