Chapter Twenty-Four- I Witness A Family Reunion

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As I had completed my assignment quite early, I was making use of most of my down time by spending time with Lily, who also recently finished it. 

When I wasn't spending time with her, though, I decided that it was probably about time to learn some more Greek. 

Once I had the alphabet down, I began to learn short phrases and statements. 

It was going fairly well, and my dad had certainly been impressed with my attempts to speak Greek over the phone to him, anyway. 

Aside from that, though, I had really been missing Lily. 

She had been doing a lot of preparation for the theatre society: designing and painting sets, rehearsals and general practice for their play of The Tempest. Although she had joined this late, she had already been promoted to the leader of it. 

I supposed that was how that Everett family power worked, after all. 

Her father was well-known as a businessman with certain people at the university. 

I hadn't known about it before she had brought it up with me, though. 

Lily stated that another reason, why she occasionally didn't trust people, was because she was afraid they only liked her due to her wealthy family. 

Of course, there was so much else to focus on than that, and it made me a little sad to even think that other people would think that way. 

Either way, at least Lily had been able to distract her mind from those who weren't genuine, by completing her assignment and spending time with me. 

Over all, Lily had become a lot friendlier recently. 

I had undergone changes too, of course. 

After a visit to the hairdresser I was no longer a brunette, as I had decided to follow in my sister's footsteps and dye my hair, and it had ended up a lot lighter than I had intended. 

However, that was alright. I knew that it would fade with time, and the contrast between my hair colour and my chocolate brown eyes sort of worked well for me. 

My phone began to buzz shortly after that, breaking my reverie, and I answered it to find my father talking on the other side of the line. 

"Ya sou, sweetheart!" he greeted me, his Greek accent evident in his voice again. He sounded incredibly happy. 

"Hey, papa," I replied with my own smile. 

My dad amazed me in the fact that he had managed to teach himself English, before he had arrived in England, and over the years he had learnt so much more, that you could hardly believe he wasn't a native speaker. 

"How are you, dad? You sound well," I told him. 

"I am well, Selina!" he said cheerfully. 

He always was happy, though. 

It certainly helped to have an optimistic member of our household, especially when I knew that my mother's mood can often crash at times. 

"How are you honey?" he asked me. 

"I'm also good," I stated, then, "How's mum?" 

No matter how she was doing, I knew that I could adjust to the situation. It was just something that I had gotten used to over the years. 

"She is okay, at the moment," he told me. 

That at the moment didn't sound very optimistic, but I was going to assume that she was going to be just fine, soon enough. My dad usually had these things under wraps, and he was able to get in touch with the doctors hastily if need be. 

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