12. Not More Than You Dove

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Author's Note:

Hello my dear readers! How are you all? I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy

Sorry for not uploading for such a long time. I lost interest in writing and so much was going on in my life. Now I am planning to continue this story again. 

I just noticed that I got a lot reads but a few votes. Can I get more comments and votes this time...pleaseee🥺🙏🏻

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"Agh, Do I even look good? I want to cry!" Jimin said as he scrunched up his face and act like as he was about to cry.

"Jimin-ah! Stop whining. You're looking perfect. Just let me give the final touch to your hair." Minsook said as he turned Jimin's head to the mirror and start to apply hair spray on his hair.

There was knock at Jimin's door and which caught their attention. Minsook turned his head to look at the door when Mrs Park entered the room wearing a fancy royal blue dress along with an updo. She entered the room with a smile and looked at Jimin through the reflection of the mirror as Jimin was facing the mirror and he locked his eyes with his mom and cracked a smile at her, but a nervous smile.

"Oh my Jiminie! My baby! Oh God!  I'll cry now." Mrs Park said as she approached Jimin without and eyed him from top to bottom with teary eyes.

"You're looking so beautiful my son. May God protect you from the evil's eye. My baby is all grown up now, isn't he?" Mrs Park said as she patted Jimin's head and looked at Minsook who nodded with a smile.

Mrs Park bend down to Jimin's level and gave a kiss on his forehead as she cupped Jimin's face and looked him in the eye, with a proud smile on his face.

Jimin smiled back at her but got shy as he looked down at his lap with a smile and red cheeks.

"Ready? Let's go! Your dad might be waiting downstairs." Mrs Park said as she helped Jimin get up and gave a kiss on his cheek before pulling him downstairs.



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/ The Engagement Hall /

Later in the evening, the hall was filled with laughter and chattering of people here and there. At the entrance of the hall, there was garden where there were a lot photographers, reporters and paparazzi who were all waiting for the couple.

Somewhere in between of the bushes and statues, Miyeon was busy photographing herself.

Somewhere in between of the bushes and statues, Miyeon was busy photographing herself

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/ Miyeon in her dress for the evening (I edited the picture myself😁) /

Miyeon was trying to distract herself by getting busy in her own world. Trying new poses in front of the photographers.

Tae walked behind the behind the bushes while busy talking to someone on the call when his eyes landed on Miyeon's figure, as her back was facing him.

Tae stared at her bare back and a smirked appeared on his face as he hanged up the phone and walked towards Miyeon slowly.

Tae stared at her bare back and a smirked appeared on his face as he hanged up the phone and walked towards Miyeon slowly

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

// Tae's Outfit //

Miyeon was ready to throw a tantrum but stopped due to all the reporters and cameramen standing right behind her.

She raised her brow at him and threw the feather at Tae that she was holding and folded her arms and glaring at Tae.

Tae grab her arm and dragged her behind the bushes when the cameramen started to click their pictures but the guards stopped them.

"Do you want to die?" Miyeon said as she pulled her arm from Tae rather harshly but she don't care at the moment.

"Calm down Miyeon! I was just making my entrance." Tae said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Miyeon huffed out air as she stomped her foot on the ground with her heels, gaining attention from others as it made noise, and walked back inside.

Tae just smiled at her as she walked passed him, while walking past him in a sassy manner and went inside the hall.
He turned around and started texting someone one his phone as smirk appeared on his face.


Jungkook looked himself in the mirror as he button up his shirt and combed his hair back with his finger while whistling. He stopped doing what he was doing as the thought of Jimin came in his mind. His hands left his hairs as a smiled crept upon his face. His smile grew when the thought of their first kiss flicked inside his head. He smiled shyly for the first time and looked down as he chucked a bit when his mom entered the room.

"Woh hoo! Young man is smiling on his own. What's the matter boy?" Mrs Jeon said as she approached Jungkook and he turned around to look at his mother.

"Oh My My... I can't believe my eyes. My baby boy has grown up a lot. Now that it's the day that he's getting engaged and soon will be married and have his own kids." Mrs Jeon said as he looked at Jungkook from top to bottom.

Jungkook smiled at the statement but pretend to be bothered by it.
"Mom! Stop it!" Jungkook said out loud and turned around to hide his fluttered self from his mom.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

Tambahkan cerita ini ke Perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan notifikasi saat ada bab baru!

Author pleaseeeee update don't leave me like this 😭😭 I don't want nothing bad to happen to jiminah or jk, pleaseee update pleaseee 😭😭😭

2th lalu

Fuckk well noo💔

2th lalu

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