Chapter 1

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There I sat, staring into the dark eyes of my mother, two older brothers and sister. "Come again?" I asked. "We're moving to Woodcrest y/n! Are you deaf?! Did you not here what mama/mom just said?! God!" Yelled my older sister. I glare at her, "but why? It's pretty perfect here in L.A. so why should we move all of a sudden?" My father loaded up the last box in the moving van with the rest of the men before coming back to our nearly empty living room.

"Aww don't be like that sweetie! You'll get to see an old family friend of ours!" Said mama, hugging me. "But I only got told of this on the day we're moving! Why did nobody tell me this before? Do I look like a child to you? Nobody tells me anything around here!"

"I told you her crazy ass would start to flip." "Shut the fuck up boy." I heard my older brothers whisper among themselves. Their grey eyes lit up once I glared at them. "I am not crazy!" "Then relax! You're screaming your damn head off!" "Miguel! Don't scream at your sister!" Said mama.

Miguel was the oldest of us. He's 17, and he was supposed to be moving out next year. I can't wait to have his room! "Yes ma'am." I was forced into Miguel's car, while mom and dad were in their car driving ahead.

"Wipe that scowl off your stupid little face." My older sister, Hazel told me. She had hazel eyes, and I wanted to rip those eyes out and eat them! Hazel's 16, and she's such a cocky bitch. "Hey cheer up." Said my other big brother, Mikey. He was the nicest out of the other two, and Hazel's twin.

"I.. didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to my friends." Miguel laughed, hitting the steering wheel. "Yes you did, when you left them at the mall and said you had to go home!" I glared at the back of his head, and Hazel laughed too.

"I wish I was with mom and dad instead!" Hazel glares at me, covering my mouth. "Well you're stuck with us for the next six hours, you better like it."

Indeed I was stuck with them for the next couple of hours. We took breaks for fifteen minutes to either use the restroom or get more snacks. Unfortunately, Hazel's period decided to rain down on us during that ride and it just made us more uncomfortable along the way.

Every time, she kept screaming at me, or crying to Mikey. At last, at the crack of dawn, we came to stop in a nice suburban looking neighborhood. With really nice houses. Everywhere I looked, white people. More white people. I think when I wake up, I'll see white and live in a white world!

I started feeling home sick when dad yelled, "y/n, Hazel, Miguel, Mikey, your new home!" Hazel came out the car and frowned. "Can I just lay down on a bed or something?" "Not right now sweetie." Said mom. The white kids came out, waving at us.

I looked away, annoyed already. They might be all too friendly. As a s/c person, even I'm not so weird. "Y/n, come help fetch your shit." Miguel told me. I glare at him taking my boxes in to our new house. It was pretty big. I liked it immediately.

"When did we get so rich?" Mikey answered my question. "Mom won the lottery doll!" And he went by looking to claim a room quickly.

[No one's pov]

"Aye granddad! Look! We got new neighbors!" Robert Freeman opens the door and looked outside. "A couple a s/c people huh? Typical. I bet they expect us to go on over and welcome them." Riley Freeman laughs. "Nigga you must be trippin! I ain't going over there!"

Robert glares at him. "Even if I don't want to do it we will give these fine folks a warm welcome. Where's that afro samurai of a shit- HUEY!!" Riley snickers, slapping his knee. "Ayo! Hu-ey! Granddad's calling you! We gotta great some fresh people!" Huey Freeman peeks his head out of his new room.

"Not interested." "Boy you better get your ass down here right now!" Yells Robert. Huey groans internally. "Granddad, I've got homework to do!" "Homework can wait! Why can't you be more like your brother?!" Riley smirks, sneaking a gun into his pocket.

After grabbing a hoodie, Huey comes down the stairs. A scowl on his face. "Where we goin?" "To great some new people boy. Now go grab a bottle of wine!" Huey glares at Riley, who just smirked more. "Why can't Riley do it? He was here all the time!" "Boy don't make me smack you."

Huey sighs getting the wine, while Robert and Riley talk about something not concerning him. Huey comes back, and they exit their home, heading over to the new neighbors. Huey decides not to go all the way and just stand on the pavement away from it, while him and Riley waited on their granddad.

Y/n comes walking over to them, and she stands there next to Riley. Her brothers said they'd pay her two hundred dollars if she went over to the boys and said hi, making friends with them. She wanted that money.

"Woah, Huey look it's the new girl! Hiiii! I'm Riley!" Y/n nods, smiling as she shook his hand. "Hi Riley!" She then went over to Huey. Looking up at him. "Ayo!" Y/n yells to him. Riley snickers. "He won't talk to you girl. Come on, hang with me!"

"Hold on, boy." Y/n said to Riley. "Yo!" Y/n pokes Huey. Huey kept ignoring her. He didn't want anything to do with her at all. "Stw. Hoe." Huey looked down at her with a slight furious look in his eyes. "Nigga what?" Riley holds his mouth. "Oh! She just called you a hoe! You gon take that Huey! Nigga I know you was a bitch!"

Huey shakes his head, walking away. "I ain't got time for this." Y/n rolls her eyes going back to her brothers to get her money. "Aye, forgot him! We still hanging tomorrow right?!" Riley yells after her. "She will!" Yells Miguel. Y/n punches his shoulder. "Shut the fuck up."

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