Lucifer&Lilith x Zalgo's Daughter

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Hello once again my Solo's!!
It's been a while and here I have yet another request from the lovely Ruqayyahhh_101 . Thanks once again and Enjoy!!


(Author POV)

There once was a woman whose body was cursed.
If she dare bear a child
It would die before it's birth.
Through Madness he crept ,
the Monster of Dark.
He Promised a Child to ease the woman's heart.
A Daughter a last,
she wept with joy
Not knowing at once,
She was just his toy. . .

"He who waits
behind the Wall"

That's what they called him and many more names for the Creepypasta known as Zalgo.

Unknown that the woman bear another child. Lazari and (Y/n) , created for the monster.

Unlike Lazari, (Y/n) ran away after their mother had called them a monster. She had to get away from it.

'Run' was all she could think, the forests dark wood shielded her eyes from the view behind her as she ran past, and she was gone.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days then years past after she was taken into the care of her Father and creator.
Zalgo trained her to take control of the demon inside, first time for everybody he said. She became as Twisted as her father in no time. Uncontrollable, An Error. . . .

(Y/n) was 7 years old when it happened.
She felt air around her, and then she was falling. It was too late before she could yell for Zalgo, the portal sucked her in and disappeared as quickly as it  came. When she hit the hard surface of the ground she got up quickly to see the sky a bloody red,a pentagram in the sky, and White winged stuff?

(Y/n) started to wander around until she sensed a presence behind her, well 3 of those white winged people. As she turned around the people approached her rather fast. She noticed that they had.... Halo's? Well they must be angels of some sort, ' Welp might as well have some fun' she thought to herself and as said she gave into her inner demon.

In an instant the angels were taken care of. Better said that their body parts were scattered around the environment rotting away, along with (Y/n) having angel blood around and on her clothes. 'Might as well see what Angel tastes like' that being said she licked some of the Angel blood off of her hand before feeling an immense amount of power hit her. 'Ok? That totally wasn't weird' after the blood incident she was walking around inspecting her surroundings, she noticed a mansion with a white,yellow and red limo so she decided to check it out.

Easily kicking the door open She see's a tall ass guy with a white hat and clothes

He looked down to her keeping a smile on his face despite having a little girl enter uninvited

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He looked down to her keeping a smile on his face despite having a little girl enter uninvited. Noticing the Angel blood on her he grinned, he took (Y/n)'s hand and lead her inside.

Lucifer grinned to himself as he put the little girl to bed. After him and Lilith saw the interaction with her and the Extermination Angels ,Lilith wanted to take her in ,Lucifer agreed knowing that dear Charlie would Enjoy having a little sister.
(Y/n) woke up to see she was in a bed 'What happened? Oh right Angels, Blood, Mansion, Guy,Sleep.

(Y/n's POV)

I got out of the bed and opened the door to see a set of stairs going down.

Walking down the stairs i realize the guy that let me in was with a two women having the same hair color but there was a height difference.

The group take notice that I was there, the short one took one look and was already embracing me in a hug . . . .it felt like Lazari. I started to sob and immediately hugged back, despite her not really being Lazari I still miss her and I won't miss a opportunity like this ever again, we separated and she smiled wiping my tears away.

2 years have passed and I am currently 9 years old.

I've learned that I was in Hell and The Magne Family have taken care of me ever since, I now have a family of my own again ,I love them dearly.

"(Y/n) are you ready to meet my friends?" -Charlie

"Oh, Yeah!!"

Following my sister into the limo and talking on the way was calming and peaceful. I was excited to meet her friends especially her girlfriend, I heard one of the overlords were there too.

When we got out of the limo I was amazed to see her Hotel was huge!! She lead me inside and as said her friends were there to greet me.

First I met Vaggie, she was a moth, overprotective and that was the thing that I liked about her, especially that she supported Charlie the whole way.

Next was Angel Dust, he acted like a perv at first but getting to know him he started told me everything he was going through, it was heartbreaking that he was being abused and raped by his boss. He was funny and he always hid the pain with a smile. He told me about his partner and best friend Cherri bomb, she sounded cool and I was glad she was there for him.

Next was Alastor or The Radio Demon , he was a gentleman of course, treated me for who I was, I loved that he was a Serial Killer from the 19's and honestly he was a Pun master. He introduced me to his helpers Nifty and Husk, Nifty was like another sister to me and Husk was protective and taught me to make many types of alcohols, which seemed bad at first but it was fun.

I enjoyed their company
and I hope that I grow up to be a feared overlord too. Of course I was! With my powers and my Inner Demons I would be like Alastor and my dad. I can't wait for what happens next. . .

HEllo my Solo's and I just wanna tell you Hazbin Hotel lovers that i am ADDICTed to this song and Vivziepop did a awesome job making it

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HEllo my Solo's and I just wanna tell you Hazbin Hotel lovers that i am ADDICTed to this song and Vivziepop did a awesome job making it. I absolutely love her work and the series will absolutely continue. 🎵🎵

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