[A/N: I feel Taron Egerton is perfect for the role as Emmitt, the Silver Cosmic Ranger]
It was during the afternoon, Amara and Raquel were at the Channelside shopping center just spending the day with Mia, making it a "ladies day out". Talon couldn't make it since she has to work.
Out of nowhere, Emmitt appears in between the girls placing his arms around Amara and Raquel's shoulders. "Hey my lovely ladies, what are we doing today?" he asks ecstatically.
Both girls groan as they shrug his arms off their shoulders. "Not much Emmitt, what brings your royal presence to us peasants?" Raquel jokes while smacking his arm.
Emmitt pretends to be shocked. "What can a guy ask two beautiful girls what're they up to?" he asks sarcastically.
Raquel rolled her eyes. "Not when these girls know you and know what you're up to doofus," Raquel responds.
Emmitt stopped the girls from walking. "Well do you know what today is?" Emmitt wonders wishfully.
Raquel looked at Amara. "Uh, oh um look at the time, Mia has to go do her homework, so we have to take her home, come Raquel, bye Emmitt," she lied.
Raquel made sure they were far away from Emmitt. "Ugh, damn it, I can't just lie to him Amara," Raquel admits.
She covers her face with her hands in shame. "Uh I guess I never noticed," Amara replies sarcastically.
Raquel begins to worry. "What are we going to do?" Raquel worries.
Amara tries calming her down. "Hey, Raquel it's okay, look, we still have time to gather the others and plan the most extravagant party," Amara explains.
All three put their stuff in Raquel's car and drove off.
On board the enemy's airship, Jinn and Epoc were eavesdropping on Amara and Raquel's conversation. "Ooh, birthdays, I love birthdays!" Epoc comments joyfully.
Jinn claps his hands like a child. "Especially birthday food, and this sweet delicious food this race calls cake!" Jinn added.
Stavros walks in on time to hear the last statement. "You fools, stop fooling around and get back to work, we're over here busting our minds here while you two are dilly dally about," Stavros complains.
Cortessa just thought of an idea. "Birthdays huh? Well then we must give the Silver Ranger a present then, and I just have the perfect gift," she suggested.
Emmitt now wanders around the amusement park bummed that today was his birthday and everybody he knows has forgotten about his big day.
He was sitting on a bench next to a merry go round. "Man, I can't believe they forgot; a typical mom and dad is too busy to even notice what's today is, but my friends, I'm sure there is a reason," Emmitt thought.
He was looking down at his drink he bought.
He started to remember back then when he first met Talon, Aaron and Raquel when they were just kids.
A flashback of when Emmitt was eight years old when he first arrived at Andorra as his parents just received a huge job offer. He was sitting on a bench next to the elementary school alone waiting for his ride to come get him.
He sat alone eating his apple and reading his favorite graphic novel. "What are you reading geek?" asked one of the elementary school bullies.
He looks at the three bullies with fear. "Look at the dweeb," one jokes.
The other one points at Emmitt. "Look at his clothes," another one joked.
Just then a small voice was heard behind them. "Hey leave the kid alone!" warns young Talon.

Cosmic Force: A Power Rangers' Story - Season 1
FanfictionIt's the year 2144, Amara's life was turned upside down when evil forces destroyed her hometown. In the city Andorra, she meets Raquel, Emmitt, Aaron and Talon after running away from the destruction of her hometown. They were destined to become the...