The One Who Calls All Names..

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There was a dark field.. made of darkened, blackened rock.. burning with sulfur.. in a world between worlds. In that world.. there was nothing but silence..

This was known as the hibernation world.. the world in which all Numensapiens in the Omegaverse went to sleep, when their power was drained, or when something like the Lance of Gungnir happened to be active...

Currently.. there was a point in the field.. where the earth was shifting.. for a moment.. there was nothing... then... a hulking armored demonic figure with a demonic horned helm erupted from the earth.. his molten eyes glowing, and magma oozing around the spot where he was climbing out.

Diablo Etwatia stared around the wasteland for a moment, considering his surroundings. "So.. Mikoto Misaka succeeded in bringing back the Multiverse.. most unexpected... I suspect this was Twilight Prankster's doing..?"

Nearby, the earth broke open again in a brilliant rainbow light and the beautiful Amor Caritas staggered out.

"I-I feel weak.." said Amor with a slight moan.

"It's your first time coming out of Numensapien Hibernation." said Diablo. "Only Nichts was ever capable of coming out of a sleep like this at full strength.. speaking of which... where are the others?"

As if on cue, there were several muffled shouts of "Chop mmmmff CHOP...mmmmmfff.. CHOOOOOP!!!!!!!"

A massive axe broke through the earth and the reptilian Ikkari Rippu tore out, looking terrifying with his rageful eyes and tyrannosaurus head..

"CHOP CHOP!! CHOPPIN' BLEAGHHHH!!!" Ikkari raged as he spat out some dirt from his jaws. "Damn!! I HATE dirt naps like this!!! STUPID!! Heh.. So you two've awakened, Diablo, Amor.. what about Nichts, Temporum, Prankster, and Tyrimas?"

"Still  sleeping apparently," said Amor shaking her head, trying to get over her exhaustion.

Suddenly.. as if drifting out of a shadow.. a black figure rose from the wasteland.. becoming taller and taller.. turning into a tall black shredded robe with two blade clawed skeletal hands.. and a long cylindrical faceless helm with a crescent silver moon on it..

Nichts Holhiet stared silently over the wasteland. "It has begun..." Nichts didn't speak, but his very aura and essence spoke for him..forming into words in the heads of all who looked upon him..

"He is right.. Asgawrath nears the Source of Academy City." said Diablo. "Soon.. Earth will face it's final hours.."

"NO!!" Amor cried out. "W-we must help Mikoto!! We must-"

Nichts held out a clawed hand for silence... and he once more.. his aura spoke for him. "Worry not... I shall go... me and Asgawrath, have some unfinished business.."


Asgawrath smiled as he reached the center of Academy City.. walking along liesurely till he came to the foot of the memorial building.

Ichibei was already waiting for him.. sitting in front of the building, wielding a large caligraphy brush about 5 feet long in his hands.

"Hmmm.. so you have come.." said Ichibei. "Well well, Asgawrath, Lord of Darkness.. King of the Void. It's been eons since we last met.. no?"

"Yes.. quite.. Ichibei  Hyosube.." said Asgawrath. "It's been a while."

Ichibei chuckled. "As usual, you are one of the few who are able to say my true name without having their throats crushed into oblivion..."

Ichibei stood up..pointing his brush at Asgawrath. "So.. little bratty demon.. shall we begin!?"

As Ichibei said this, his smile became wider and and his eyes lit up with madness.

A Railgun in Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles: Book 7, DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now