Chapter 50 - Trilogy

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Irene was doing all that she could to prepare for her upcoming tour - she started her morning runs again and she planned her day more precisely in order to get more out of it. The management also helped as much as it could.

Preparing for a tour is always a handful, but it will all be worth it in the end. She would muse at the end of most days.

Irene also thought about Bogum a lot. She would try to search her feelings about him, but nothing concrete would ever come up, so she just let it slide for a while. No reason to overdo it, it'll just make my head explode.

They haven't really seen each other those days because both of their schedules have become full again. 

And so, the 23rd of February came and the first thing that was on the schedule were radio show promotions.

Whoa, a lot of radio shows to see today! I need a lot of water so my mouth doesn't get too dry. Irene thought when she saw the schedule.

She then went to her social media to post a video of herself:

"Hey Irenators! So today my preparations for the tour are starting - first, I have a lot of promotional business I have to do! I will be posting and linking the radio shows I will be going to today, so be sure to check out those for more details about this tour! I can't wait to see you all, love you! Mwah!" She gave a kiss and a wave to the camera before posting the video online. 

Okay, let the promotion begin. She thought as she got out of her apartment and went to her car where her management was waiting.

"Hey! How are you feeling today?" The manager asked cheerfully.

"Great! I really can't wait to start this all over again... And the tour, I can't wait for the actual tour!" Irene responded with a smile.

"Okay, today we've got plenty of places to visit, but don't worry, your food and water supplies are ready."

"Oh thank you so much! This team and you, you've all really been of great help."

"That's what we're here for." They both smiled as the car drove on to their first radio show. Irene informed the general public via her social media the time and place it was going to take.

She did so for every meeting she could so that people were able to follow her if they wanted to and when they wanted to.

She spoke very enthusiastically about the fans, the music, her previous work and her possible future work and all the radio hosts were enjoying their conversations with her, and so did she with them.

Later that day, in the afternoon, Irene got a message from Lisa.

Hey! I haven't had the chance to listen to the previous radio shows today, I was on the run! But now I am free and I can't wait for the interview with Wendy! Red Velvet is awesome and I can't wait for them to get back together :) Anyway, I hope you have a great day and I hope you don't feel too tired at the end of it :* Take care Bae-chu <3

Irene thought that the message was very thoughtful:

Aw, so sweet of her! And she found the time so that she could listen to the interview I'm about to have!

Irene then responded:

Awww Lili! Thank you so much for saying that <3<3 I hope your day will be great too and thank you so much for the support! :* Also, I completely agree, Red Velvet truly is awesome and talking to Wendy is always great! :D :D I bet she'll even remember you from the last two interviews hihi :)  

Before the radio show started, Irene and Wendy hugged each other in the studio:

"Oh, I can't wait for your tour!" Wendy spoke.


"Tell me about it, I'm so excited!"

"The girls and I have already booked tickets to see you hehe!"

"Oh really, that's so great, thank you so much!" Irene responded.

"And I missed you, we haven't seen each other in a while!" Wendy responded.

"Yeah, I just commented with my friend how talking to you is always great! And now let me just add that being here always feels so comfortable!"

"Well, we do try to make it that way!" Wendy smiled and they both sat down to prepare for the interview.

The interview progressed in a similar fashion like the previous ones - a lot of talk about the fans, the music, the songwriting process, the tour, previous plans, possible future plans... All that was intertwined with a lot of laughter and great chemistry between the two that carried the interview without a hitch.

"When we come back after the break, we'll be asking something the other radio shows missed today. Yes, that's right, we follow you, we know what you asked, but we at Radio Kiss FM have got more things covered haha! And now, this is Would U by Irene Bae." Wendy then played her song.

"Oh wow, I wonder what did the other radio shows missed." Irene stated with a smile.

"Well, you'll see, it's a.... well for me at least, a blast from the past." Wendy smiled back at her as they both started to vibe in their chair to Irene's music.

When the music stopped, Wendy continued with their conversations:

"Hello everyone, this is Son Seung Wan or Wendy and you're here on Radio Kiss FM! My guest here today is the extremely talented Irene Bae!"

"Yay!" Irene replied clapping her hands cutely.

"Yay!" Wendy responded happily and then continued: "Now, we've gone through a lot of topics today, and some of them were discussed in previous radio shows, however, I wanted to ask you this!"

"Yes?" Irene asked eagerly.

"Now, I'm familiar with her... Mostly because I've seen her previous work and she has been tagged in your previous photos as well... And we've actually discussed her two times before this one... And I know about her, but some people don't. And yes, some people caught on who she is, some didn't, so, just for clarification for those who easily forget or aren't following that closely... Who is... the other goofball?" Wendy asked excitedly.

"Oh, my Lili! You remember her, I told her you would remember her!" Irene responded with a huge grin on her face.

"There ya have it, folks!" Wendy butted in with a smile "You've heard it her first, that's her Lili, which means, we all have to disappoint, Irene is taken, you can all go home!" Wendy joked as they both started to laugh.

"Hahahaha.... Okay, let me clarify, Lili a.k.a Lisa, is my friend. I don't want anyone to feel misrepresented and I don't want to spread lies. So that's why I'm being upfront about it." Irene responded with a smile.

"So, you're not seeing her?" Wendy replied with a smile as well.

"No, we are friends hehehe. And to add on to what you said before, yeah, you and I, we've discussed her two times on this radio show before already."

"Yeah, this is like Irene's Trilogy about Lisa! Tell the good people the whole story Rene!"

"So, for those who haven't been following me that diligently or for those who just want a story haha, Lisa is a fan from Thailand actually. The first time I spoke about her was here with Wendy and I talked about how a fan from Thailand was actually coming from over there to Korea to see my acoustic performance."

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