Lunch!... and friends?

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Holly's Point of View:

The bell rang to signal the beginning of Lunch causing every single fifth grader in all of Beecher Prep to head to the cafeteria. The whole day up until now I'd been panicking about lunch, Via had warned Auggie and me about middle school lunch and what with how alone I always was I was terrified of how alone I'd be at school.

" Hey! Holly!" I turned around to see Charlotte waving me over." Come and sit with us!"

I grinned to myself and sat down at the end of the table next to a girl around my height who also had brown hair.

" Holly this is Maya, Rand, Lina, Summer, and Megan, and this is my best friend Ellie," the girl sitting next to me smiled and waved." Guys, this is Holly! She's in Maya and I's homeroom!"

The others all smiled at me while I waved shyly.

" So, what do you think of Musicals?" Ellie asked me, as though this was her way of judging how good of a person I was.

I was about to say something when Charlotte spoke for me." She's going to be taking theatre to this year! And apparently she's been in theatre for years- Oh! Sorry, Holly, I didn't mean to interrupt you!"

" No it's perfectly fine, and yeah, I've been in theatre for most of my life."

Charlotte spoke to Ellie." She's even reading the entirety of Les Miserables!"

" Really!?" Ellie turned to me with a grin on her face.

" Yep! My first role in any musical was in the ensemble of At The End Of The Day."

" That's so cool!"

I grinned happily." Thanks!"

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