Part Two, Chapter Eleven: A Familiar Face

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Charlie was the first to approach the door to the warehouse. It was one of the large metal kind, that was slated to look kind of like shutters, and it was heavily rusted. She grabbed it from the bottom, and tugged on it as hard as she could. It made an awful lot of noise, but it didn't lift up at all.

Lin looked around warily.

"It looks like we'll have to bust it down." Charlie announced after one final, noisy tug.

"We... probably shouldn't do that." Lin said.

"You're right." Beatrice said. "I should probably just teleport in there and see if I can open it from there."

Charlie looked excited at the idea, but Lin looked significantly less excited.

"Okay, just be careful."

"Sure." Beatrice said.

She snapped, and was on the other side of the door in an instant.

She stayed as still as possible as she scanned the room, but there didn't seem to be any danger. From what she could tell, there wasn't anyone lurking in the shadows, and, aside from the noise of the city outside, it was silent. The only things around were piles of old, rusted machinery, and boxes covered with a thick layer of dust. However, when she glanced down at the concrete floor, she noticed that it was surprisingly clean.

Turning back to the door, she noticed that there was a lock attached to the chain that was used to roll up the door, keeping it in place. While the chain was rusted, the lock was still a slightly shiny silver color. She picked it up and tugged on it only to figure out that it was, obviously, still locked. She pressed her thumb against the clasp, and concentrated on bending the metal back, until there was enough of a gap to slip it away from the chain.

She put it in her pocket so she could reattach it later if they found nothing, and rolled the metal door up.

Charlie gave her a thumbs up as she stepped inside, and Lin, for the most part, just looked relieved that nothing bad had happened yet.

"It... doesn't really look like much." Charlie said as she glanced around.

"Maybe it was just a prank." Lin said. Beatrice could tell he really wanted them to give up the mission, and go home, but she wasn't going to have that. She couldn't believe that those emails were nothing.

"We should look around though, just to make sure." she suggested.

"Okay," he sighed. "We can look around, but don't do anything too intense, and call me as soon as you find anything suspicious."

"Rodger Dodger!" Charlie said

Beatrice tried to hide her smile, and grabbed Charlie by the arm.

"We're going to look around together." she said as she pulled Charlie with her toward the left side of the building. Lin had started to say something, but she didn't stick around long enough to catch any of it.

"What should I look for?" Charlie asked, once they were a good distance away from Lin.

"I don't know." Beatrice said. "But I know something's not right here. The equipment here obviously hasn't been used in years, but the floor doesn't have a lot of dust, which makes me think this place has regular foot traffic. I know Lin is being skeptical, but I think there's something wrong here. I just have a feeling."

I just have a feeling. She thought to herself. I'm starting to sound like Charlie.

"Maybe we can look around and see if the dust has been disturbed recently somewhere." Charlie suggested.

Supervillain Girlfriend!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora