Chapter 4: Collision
The clock said 12. I wasn’t even tired. Maybe it was jetlag or I had gotten too much sleep the night before. Whatever the reason, I knew my body wouldn’t tire out until much later. I wasn’t just going to sit here for hours. I have always had a problem staying in one place for too long when I was bored. There had to be something to keep my attention, and whatever it was I was going to find it.
I changed into some jeans and a hoodie, threw my hair in a ponytail, and headed out the door. The lights were shining outside just as they had been when I arrived the night before. I just kept walking, waiting for the night life to grab my attention. I wasn’t looking for anything wild, just something to kill a few hours. I turned random corners and walked down random streets. Some of the street signs looked familiar because I had passed them earlier today.
I found myself walking down a street with a lot of alley ways. It was a bit eerie, even with the street lamps. I only had a few blocks to go until I would reach the center road. I had been here earlier today and remember the long line of restaurants down this street.
Without warning, the atmosphere changed. Breaking the silence was a faint hum of high pitched voices. There must have been some sort of commotion at one of the bars. This was usually the time when clubs were throwing people out. I didn’t think much of it.
I had made it about two blocks down when I was suddenly stopped in my tracks. I had hit something, apparently something hard. Did I accidentally run into a wall? I had done that at home many times, but it didn’t feel like this. This felt like someone had hit me over the head with a bat.
I tried moving but my body was pinned down. And by something heavy. I was lying down on the damp concrete. The hum I had heard was now getting louder. It was now a faint screaming; and getting louder.
“Are you ok?” I heard a voice say.
I tried to open my eyes to see what was going on, but before I could react I felt my body being hauled off the ground and pulled into one of the dark alleys. I tried to scream. A rough hand was covering my mouth. A body was restraining me. The smell of alcohol was present in the air.
Something bad was happening and somehow I knew that this wasn’t going to end well. I tried to fight the force that bound me but it was no use. My heart was pounding rapidly. I did the only thing I could think of to save myself. I tried to bite the hand around my mouth, but it only made the person squeeze harder. This was it, I thought. I’m going to die. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I was actually surprised that it was really short. Damn, I need to get out more.
“Please stop fidgeting. I promise I’m not going to hurt you,” whispered the man behind me. Sure, that’s what they all say.
I did as he said though. In horror movies, the person who does as the killer asks usually lives longer than the victims who don’t. The screaming got louder and louder. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead. Within seconds, a mob of people ran past us. They were searching for something. Actually, they looked like the group of girls I saw earlier, only now their size was doubled. Whatever they were chasing before they were chasing again.
I couldn’t see the man’s face or anything that would help me identify him to the cops if I ever got a chance out of this. When they had completely passed, the man stuck his head out from behind the wall. His grip on me loosened for about a second and I saw my chance to break free. With a sudden burst I escaped his grasp. I ran across the street, but before I could fully run away, I turned and yelled at him.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” I yelled forcefully.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to push you down or grab you,” he said calmly.
“WELL, YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL?” Why wasn’t I running away? I knew I should get out of here as fast as possible, but I couldn’t. Someone needed to teach this person a lesson.
“Please calm down. I think you’re overreacting.”
“OVERREACTING? How am I SUPPOSE to react to THAT? You acted like some kind of mugger!”
He was quiet. He obviously didn’t have an answer.
“What is the matter with you? Why were you hiding from those girls?” I continued in a quieter voice.
“Please calm down.” He repeated. “I was just sitting at a pub getting something to eat when this group of girls started hounding me for attention. Then more and more came. They were chasing me earlier today but I lost them. Now, they found me again and chased be for about a mile down the road.”
“That still doesn’t explain why they were chasing you,” I stated, picking up my bag. “Who are you?”
I looked around the sidewalk trying to spot where my phone had landed. I noticed it right at the man’s feet. He bent down and picked it up. He wasn’t a man like I thought. He was a boy, a teenager about my age. He was taller than me and had messy blonde hair. I couldn’t exactly see his face in the shadows. Slowly, he walked into the light of the streetlamp. His skin was a pale color and his bright blue eyes were shining in the light. I recognized his face instantly.
“My name’s Niall.” He introduced himself, handing me my phone. “Niall –“
I cut him off. “You’re Niall Horan.”
He flashed a quick smile, revealing a set of clear braces. “You must be a fan.”
Niall Horan from One Direction almost tried to kidnap me. This would be a great story to tell Avery.
“I like your music but I’m not nearly as psycho as them,” I said pointing in the direction the mob had disappeared to. His bright green ‘Free Hugs’ tee shirt stood out; it was no wonder he attracted attention. “This still doesn’t change the fact that you attacked me.”
He let out a small chuckle and looked up at me.
“I think your arm is bleeding,” he said.
I looked down at my arm and noticed a long scrape that went from my elbow to my wrist. Droplets of blood were fusing together. I was suddenly aware of the soreness of my body from where I fell. My back was tight and I could feel a small bump forming on the back of my head. My fingers moved around the bump but my eyes just stayed fixed on my arm.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied.
“Here, let me help you.”
He guided me a few more blocks until we reached a small diner. It was practically empty except for a few waitresses.
“You go into the restroom while I find a bandage,” he instructed me.
I did as he said and waited in the bathroom. I carefully took off my hoodie, trying not to get blood on it. I then lifted up the back of my shirt. I was right. Black and blue marks were forming under my shoulders and around my bra strap. I winced at the pain as I tried to stand my back up straight.
“Wow, you’re more banged up than I thought.” I quickly pulled my shirt down and turned to face Niall.
“Niall! This is the girl’s bathroom,” I exclaimed.
“Yeah but there’s nobody here and I’m taking care of you.”
“You don’t need to do that. I can put a bandage on myself.”