Minho - New Year's Eve [AU]

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Requested by Sassy Minho.


You had been invited to a party for New Year’s, so that’s where you were: wandering the halls, a drink in hand, sometimes dancing and sometimes striking up a conversation. You were on your way to the patio because you had noticed the time; it was almost midnight and you wanted to catch the fireworks show.

However, you came to a grinding halt as you saw your arch nemesis, Minho, strolling in your direction. Hastily, you ducked behind the nearest wall and held your breath, hoping he wouldn’t see you and ruin this night for you. (He always did his best to push your buttons… And you, well, you tried just as hard.)

“Hey, hot-stuff,” he chirped no less than two seconds later. In an instant, he was leaning against the wall, almost trapping you. You let out a groan to which he smirked. “Save it for later, baby.”

You narrowed your eyes and resisted the urge to shove him into the wall. “What do you want?”

“Just to see my one and only,” he quipped. With a roll of your eyes, you pushed passed him. However, this didn’t deter him one bit. He kept his pace in sync with yours, draping an arm around your shoulders as you walked into the chilly night air.

“Oh my god, are you trying to hold my hand?” you exclaimed with a mock gasp.

“Why would I wanna do that?” he laughed into your ear huskily. You tried to shrug him off twice, and eventually settled on intently glaring at him. You were locked in battle before an idea struck you.

“I’m going to give you a purple nurple,” you smiled sweetly. His arms fell from you immediately, lifting with palms facing up in surrender.

“Alright, alright. I never was one for BDSM.” You laughed, and then realising what you had done, covered it with a badly enacted cough. You saw him smirk, and you spun around to look up at the sky in frustration. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him slink off, leaving you feeling a little… cold. You shook your head, expelling the thought.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and saw that it was only eleven-fifty. You decided to chat up some of the others who were waiting around.

Soon enough, you noticed Minho again. He was sitting on a lounge, talking amicably with some girl. A twinge of something-you-didn’t-want-to-think-about hit you. And before you could stop yourself, you excused yourself from the conversation and sauntered over.

“Hey, sex-kitten!” you cooed, falling into his lap without invitation. You threw your arms around his neck, dragging him just close enough to make the other girl uncomfortable. You noticed Minho’s eyes were wide. You glanced back to see her leaving. You let go all at once, lazily sitting on him.

Minho’s eyebrow rose. “Sex-kitten?”

“Works like a charm,” you stated, lying through your teeth. “You looked like you needed saving, so I, being the generous person I am, decided to help you out.”

That made him chuckle. “Are you sure you’re not just here for the midnight kiss?”

“Kiss you? Ugh, gross, no,” you said, scrunching up your nose.

“So you wanna get off me?” he prodded.

You shook your head and gave a simple “nah”.


You two sat in silence for a little longer, until a shudder ran over you. Goosebumps rose along your skin and Minho was quick to notice. Before he could even think about what he was doing, his warm, callused hands were rubbing your arms up and down.

“How are you so warm?” You couldn’t meet his eyes, but you felt him shrug. You weren’t given the chance to say anything else because someone shouted “ten!”.

Oh, the countdown, and the fireworks. What you came out here for…

People starting joining in, calling the numbers that would inevitably lead to zero. You looked over at Minho, chewing your bottom lip as you looked him over carefully.

“I still hate you,” you finally said.


“Yeah, I hate you too,” he replied, but you could tell he was fighting a smile.


“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” you muttered, a pause following. One.

And then there was just Minho: his fingers curled into your hair, his lips roughly kissing you, and his chest pressed against yours. Your hands folded into the fabric of his shirt, holding him close. His tongue brushed your lips and darted against your own briefly. And then all the sensations were gone; he leaned away, still holding you but breathing heavy, adorned with curious eyes. You stared back, and your hearing returned, and you could hear the fireworks overhead.

Then Minho cracked a grin. “Oh my god, are you trying to seduce me?”


A/N: This was fun to write, so I hope you like it! I’m still writing up a Gally imagine for NYE but hopefully it’ll be posted soon.

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