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A/N Hey there! All the art credits belong to @androdragynous. Their website is

*Whitenight point of view*

"MOM! DAD! THE DRAGONET IS GOING TO BORN NOW" Someone shouted. Everything was cold and wet inside, she wanted to go outside. But how? Everything was so complex and difficult. She touched the fragile shell of her egg.

"What? Now?" A male voice asked


"You need to calm down honey" a female dragon said. The shell made a crack, so the little dragonet started to try to break her egg. She could see shadows of big dragons behind the shell. With a single strike of her tiny claws, the egg broke and the dragonet came to the real world. There were three dragons looking at her. The dragonet felt something, that later she would discover that was fear.

"It is she!" The smaller dragon said happily.

"Whitenight" One black dragon said. The black dragon got closer and held the dragonet. Withenight felt safe on her mom's claws

"What? Ok... It is a good name" Her father said, examining his daughter. He was some kind of cold dragon, but he had a good energy too.

"Winter take Aurora inside, please" her mother said. Winter snorted and told Aurora to come after him. The two dragons went inside, letting Whitenight alone with her mother.

"Hi, I know, you're afraid. Don't worry honey, I am here. I'm Moon, your mother, I'll try to be a good one. The white dragon is your father, he seems angry but he is a good dragon. You have a sister, Aurora. She loves you, even if sometimes she may get angry with you. We are your family, ok?" Moon said camally. She hugged the tiny dragonet and everything Withenight felt was peace and warmth.

Hi awesome readers! Sorry about this short. The next chapters will be much more longer! And sorry about grammar and spelling, my first language isn't english. I love you all <3

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