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"He makes me so happy," I gushed feeling the blush rise to my cheeks.

Having all of my favorite people in New York felt like a gift.

Nick had a few days off for a holiday so he surprised me in New York. Of course none of my friends were surprised when I told them about Harry and I. They were just happy it finally happened.

"Well, that's amazing, I love you two together. It's obvious you are in love," Frankie said with a wide smile.

"We haven't... we're falling in love but we haven't... you know said it yet? I still don't know if I'm fully there yet, it's so scary," I said timidly with a blush.

"You and Harry are both so intense in relationships, you give it your all and love so deeply. Which is beautiful but means if it ends it hurts a hell of a lot more. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, take your time," Nick shrugged with a smile. "You are both so young and usually such guarded people but in the span of three months you've both grown as close as it took you to grow close to me over the span of years."

"You two are the endgame, I feel it," Laurel gushed.

What a thought. Could Harry and I be the endgame? We were still both so young and while I know I never want to not have him in my life marriage was a scary thought. Forever with someone was a scary thought. It probably didn't help that I had commitment issues.

Marriage was on neither of our minds and I was fine with that, I am more than happy dating and getting to know each other more.

Although, it was nice to think of where I'd be in 10 years and think it was with Harry, married, maybe even some kids by this point. It was nice to think of having his last name, growing old together, all the fun stuff. I really liked that thought.

Hopefully it would happen, but for now we were dating and I was more than okay with that.

We heard the front door open and Harry walked in wearing his jogging shorts and a hoodie, he looked so comfy.

"Hey," he said to everyone before joining me on the couch and giving me a quick kiss before I leaned my back into him letting his arm sling lazily over my shoulder.

Absentmindedly I interlocked our fingers looking at out friends who had the biggest smiles on their faces.

"Should we start making dinner soon?" Frankie asked looking at her watch. It was already 6 p.m. so I knew we needed to make a move on that soon.

"Nick, Harry, you two pick a game and we're gonna start cooking," Laurel said cuing us to get up and go to the kitchen.

We opted for something simple, it didn't require all three of us in the kitchen but it felt like it had been ages since the girls and I just relaxed together. Our conversations lately have consisted of Harry and I or work talk. I missed just being with them and talking about the little things... like how Frankie was on the verge of burning the chicken.

Needless to say, we ordered takeout.

We should have done that from the start, when we three are in the kitchen we get too wrapped up in talking.

Speaking of being wrapped up, being wrapped in Harry's arms while he whispers stupid jokes or comments on the movie we're watching is my favorite thing.

We settled on watching Masterminds which is already a funny movie and now Harry was making it even more funny by whispering jokes about the movie in my ear.

"If you two don't stop fucking on the couch while we're watching a movie I'm going to come between you," Nick said making us blush and stare straight at the tv.

"Is that one of your kinks?" Harry whispered after a while making me slap his chest and cause him to start laughing.

I was immensely grateful for Harry and the role he played in my life. He added so much warmth and love and beauty to my life and I only could hope I did the same for him.

I never had those questions of if I was enough or why would he be with me because I didn't look at him like he was famous. To me he was a goofball and smart and funny and handsome and human. He was just human, who made mistakes and changed and laughed and cried and needed love and needed to give love. He was just like me except the whole world knows his name.

It doesn't bother me because selfishly I like the fact there is this private and intimate part of Harry that I get to know. There's a part of him I see that he shows his family and friends and there is a part that even they don't see because I'm in a relationship with him.

I like that part. The part where it's just me and him. It feels safe and cozy.

I like that he has a part of himself that is with his fans. How he is on stage or on movies, just in his professional career world, I like seeing that.

I like seeing all side of Harry but the side where it's just us, how we get to know each other, the connection we only have, that's what I love.

"You're staring," he commented meeting my gaze making me blush. I didn't even notice I was looking at him.

I slowly placed my lips on his and kissed him softly.

"I really like you, Harry."

"I really like you."

I smiled and placed my head back on his chest. He kissed the top of my head before leaning his head on top of mine and we watched the movie.

Songbird [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now