~Chapter 19~
Jay's Pov
Mya and I had to sleep in the car last night because we had no where to go. "Daddy where's mommy?" she asked rubbing her eye. She realizes that as soon as she wakes up. "Umm mommy's daddy came and took her back to Houston". "Oh" she pouted. "Don't worry you'll see her soon". "Okay daddy". What does Bey want me to do? Stay here are go to Houston?
Beyoncé's Pov
Matthew and I just got off the plane and now we're heading home. "Can I ask you a question?" "Go ahead" "Just yesterday you were trying to kill me. Now you're helping me. What's the twist?" "Well Beyoncé let's not forget why I was trying to kill you. You shot me and I'm still willing to help". "I understand that but why?" "Why what?" "Why are you helping me?!" He sighed. "Well for the money"... "What money?" "You're going to get half a million after you win custody of Mya". "Really?" "Yes" "Do you want all of it?" "Yes" "Matthew" "Listen Beyoncé I'm helping you get your daughter back. You're giving me the money". "Not all" "Yes all!" "Fine Matthew". He smiled. "Good" We soon passed the house and mom wasn't home. "Alright Beyoncé I'm going to turn around and we are going to go in the house to look for the tape". "Can we pick up Solange first?" "Where is she?" "At her boyfriend's" "Alright" "Do you know where he lives?" "Yeah just around the corner". I turned on my phone and saw that I had four missed calls from Jay. I dialed his number.
Bey are you ok?!
I'm fine
Why didn't you answer
Well Jay I was on a plane.. I giggled.
I'm sorry I was just a little worried
I'm fine. We are about to go pick up Solange and go look for the tape. I'll call you after we get it
Ok. Love you
Love you tooI hung up. "Do you want me to get her or are you going?" he asked. "I'll go". I got out and walked to the door. Before I could even knock they were coming out. "Bey!" Solange hugged me. "I thought you said you couldn't come get me?!" "Something came up. Hi Daniel" "Hi" "Something like what?" "Come with me". "Umm we were just about to head out". "It won't take long". "Ok. I'll be back guys". "Alright" Solange and I walked back to the car and got inside. "What is he doing here?!" Matthew pulled off. "Solange calm down he's helping me". We soon pulled on to the driveway. "Ok we're going to go upstairs and look for the tape". "What if she comes back?" Solange asked. "Dang you're right" Matthew backed up and parked down the street. "Ok Solange stay here and be look out. Beyoncé come with me". Matthew and I got out and ran to the house. He grabbed the key from under the mat and we were in. We headed upstairs. When we opened their bedroom door she was there waiting for us. "You two are all buddy buddy now? Breaking into my house and stuff". "Tina relax where is the video recorder?" "Where's my daughter Beyoncé?" "MY daughter is in New York with her father". "Since when? Lyndall is dead. You killed him remember?" "No I didn't!" "Tina stop! Beyoncé he's fine". "Matthew shut up!" That's when she pulled out a gun. "Do not move! Where is my baby?!" "She's in New York!" Matthew yelled. That's when mom shot him. I screamed. "Shut up! Where's Mya?!" "Mom listen she isn't here...She's in New York". She pulled put her phone and dialed a number. "Yeah Richard she's in New York. Find her and bring her back to me. Kill the boyfriend". She then hung up. "Mom please don't hurt my baby. She's your granddaughter. She loves you. We'll make sure you get to see her". "Do you want to end up like your father?" I shook my head. "Then I suggest you shut up. My boyfriend is going to get Mya" "Don't kill Jay than. If you take Mya he will be all I have". "Aww sob sob. I can care less". "You raised me.Why are you trying to hurt me?" "I'm about to hurt you even more. I asked Lyndall to poke holes in the condoms so you could get pregnant. Mya was planned this whole time. She's my daughter". "Mom please" "Shut up!" "What are you going to do? Keep the gun pointed at me until Richard has Mya?" She started to lower the gun. "Let me call help for Matthew" "No! Let him die!" "No!" She raised the gun. "Sit down Beyoncé" I sat down slowly. My phone started ringing. "Who is it?" "Solange" "Answer it and put it on speaker". I did as I was told.
Bey what's going on?
Hi Solange
Of course baby
What are you doing to Bey?!

Texas Girl Gone Bad
Fanfiction20 year old Beyoncé was forced by her parents to move to New York, NY because of something she did. She started to get her life together. She was doing great until she met 32 year old Shawn Carter...