Doctors Help, Not Hurt! (Part 2)

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Civilian after civilian entered Benevolent's Bakery, half of them being ignorant of their fate. Benevolent closed up early and headed towards his residence at a quick pace. Radiant tried to stop him, but Benevolent pretended not to hear him. He just sprinted past, feeling paranoid of everyone and everything.

The kitchen was the only thing that comforted him. Benevolent spent  hours baking in the comfort of his own home, the result being 3 trays of muffins, 2 pies, and 4 trays of cookies. They sat on the counter as Benevolent curled up on his couch. He quietly cried, cursing himself and Malevolent. 

Benevolent was surprised and nervous when he heard a knocking on his residence door. He cautiously got up and made his way to the door before slightly opening it. Through the the crack in the door, a figure gave him a small wave.

"Oh, Sorrowful!"

"Hello, Benevolent."

Benevolent hastily covered himself with an emotional mask before opening the door completely.

"Come in!"


Sorrowful came in and they both sat on the couch which had tear drops scattered on it not too long before.

"So, what brings you here, Sorrowful?"

"Well, Radiant noticed you looked a bit upset and wanted me to go check on you."

Benevolent mentally slapped himself.

I should have stopped to talk to him earlier. What I did was rude.

"Oh! I'm feeling fine, he shouldn't be worrying about me anyway."

Benevolent gave another small smile.

"You were baking?"

"Mhm!" He nodded and led Sorrowful over to the various tray and plates on the counter.  "I made apple pie, cherry pie, two trays of chocolate muffins, one tray of blueberry muffins, and a bunch of snickerdoodle cookies!"

Sorrowful stared at them for so long, it seemed as though he was examining them.



"You can have one if you'd like!"

Sorrowful reached over and hesitantly took a snickerdoodle cookie. Slightly lifting his mask, he took a bite out of the cookie, before quickly finishing the entire thing.

'We could have poisoned that.'

'No! I would never do that to Sorrowful, he doesn't deserve it!"

'But guess who does deserve it?'

Benevolent tried to push Malevolent to the very back of his mind, but to no avail. As he made small conversation with Sorrowful, he tried his hardest to ignore his counterpart.

'Come on, Bene! Just let me take over!'

'Never. Not while Sorrowful is around.'


'No! I know you are going to harm him!'

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? What was that, Sorrowful?"

"You don't look fine right now. If it's my fault, and I am boring you, just tell me and I'll leave."

Sorrowful drooped and Benevolent panicked a little.

"No! It isn't your fault! Stop thinking that. I just haven't been feeling as benevolent as usual!"

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