Any excuse to have a party

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[One month before final day at Litchfield]

Over the last few weeks the women have settled even more, there's still some awkward tension between the two prisons. Mr Caputo called a chapel meeting for the Litchfield women. Everyone flooded into the chapel. 

Mr Caputo: “So the Wentworth women have been with us for 2 months, you’ve obviously gotten to know them, and how their prison runs. Seeing as they only have a month left I thought we could plan a goodbye party for their time spent here. But first what have you Litchfield ladies learned about them and their prison?”
A random inmate from the audience: “That they are assholes.”
Alex: “That a top dog has more responsibility than just being the top woman.”
Ruiz: “That a governor is more of an intimidating authority role.”
Flaca: “That they don’t use makeup as much as us.”
Red: “That it is acceptable to get beat up without the guards getting involved. Even though I find that despicable.”
Gloria: “Oh yeah that's something, they have cells with a private loo, and TV’s as well as all the shared areas. They can make their cells their own.” 
Nicky: “They have more places to fuck.”
Mr Caputo: “Nicholes, not relevant.” Nicky shrugs.
Morello: “They have chairs in the cafeteria rather than silly stools.” 
Mr Caputo: “I can see some of their ideas have peaked your interest, is there anything we could incorporate into our prison? Make sure it's cost affordable and space saving.”
Morello: “Chairs not stools.”
Alex: “No point, It’ll never happen. MCC won’t allow shit.”

[3 weeks later] 

At the chapel meeting 3 weeks ago, the inmates discussed a fun goodbye party for the Wentworth women. They decided that decorating the rec room in teal banners would be a good start, so Mr Caputo shut the rec room calling it out of bounds but he chose a select few to work together during job assignments to decorate and plan. Red was in charge of the food. Alex, Piper, Gloria and Daya were in charge of music, seating and buffet arrangement, Boo, Nicky and Morello were in charge of putting up the banners, and Flaca and Maritza were in charge of creating the banners. 

Alex: “I think this’ll be fun.”
Flaca: “Those bitches have been causing shit since day one, they don’t deserve a party.”
Piper: “I think they were just home sick, our system is very different.”
Daya: “They were hardly bitches.” 
Maritza: “They be talking with a attitude all the time.”
Gloria: “It's just who they are. Imagine being sent to another prison for only a few months in a small group of who you know. I don’t think any of you would change just to fit in.”
Boo: “Boo would never change, aye, ayeee.”
Gloria: “Hey at least you admit it.”
Nicky: “I sure would have loved to get to know the red head a little better.”
Morello: “Ah she seems straighter than straight.” 
Alex: “They’ll be gone soon, their shit will go back to normal, our shit will go back to normal.” 
Flaca: “Any excuse to have a party am i right?”
Maritza: “Totally!”

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