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Elijah's pov

Four days later Elijah walked through campus, heading home after class while he listened to music in his earphones. He was studying Environmental Sciences, something he was actually passionate about; he had a weak spot for nature and animals.

He was strolling through the path on the green field in the middle of campus, his eyes on the ground in front of him, when he had the sudden urge to look up. He glanced up in front of him, pausing when he spotted a familiar figure.

It was her.


He has thought about her a few times the last few days.

She was standing a few feet ahead talking to a tall blonde girl. She was waving her arms around frantically, clearly telling a story in a very animated manner. She was in those awful blue converse, casual jeans and a bright pink hoodie. He cringed at the sight of that many colors of clothing.

He had never seen her on campus before. Did she go here?

He quickly ducked his head lower, turning his head to the side and bringing his arm up, pretending to scratch his face to cover it, hoping she didn't see him.

He walked off to the side of the path, on the grass, avoiding her. He let out a breath of relief when he finally got past her. There were a lot of students around them too, so there was no way she'd approach him even if she saw him.

"Elijah West!" A melodic voice rang out from behind him.

Fuck. Of course.

He walked faster, pretending he didn't hear her.

"Elijaaahhhh!" He regrettably pulled one of his earphones out of his ear when she ran up and stopped right in front of him, attracting the attention of people around them.

His eyes settled down on her. "Do I know you?" He forced out with a straight face.

Her face turned down a bit before her annoying bright smile settled back on her face. "It's me! Carter."

"Oh yeah!" He pretended to click his fingers with fake enthusiasm as if just now recalling her. "The annoying girl!"

Surprisingly she laughed. "I knew it was you when I saw your hair, Blondie." She informed him.

He scowled. "How many embarrassing nicknames do you have for me?" His thumbs went under the straps of his backpack, as he sidestepped her and continued walking.

"Plenty. Hey, can I buy you dinner?" She inquired, out of nowhere, as she walked next to him.

Eli had been hit on plenty, but he had never been asked out on a date by a girl. He froze. "Dinner? I don't even know you." His mouth was in a straight line.

"I feel like I owe you." She explained, keeping up with his fast walk. "You know, since you saved my butt from the pigs." She smiled.

His steps faltered; he had never seen someone throw around that term so casually.

"It's fine." He assured her. "You don't owe me. Just forget about it."

"I can't, there's-" She was cut off when her friend from before yelled her name from behind them, gesturing and waving for her to come back.

Carter sulked, turning to her friend, before moving her jade-green eyes back to Eli's.

She raised her index and middle finger to her eyes, then to his, in the classic 'I'm watching you' signal. "I'll pay you back Elijah West. I don't owe anybody any favors." She walked back to her friend, head held high.

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