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Elizabeth's POV

I've noticed that these past few days, Jane's been distance to me. And I heard her cry every night, she has a problem, and she's not telling it to me. I wanted to talk to her but I think she doesn't want to talk about it.

I'm trying my best to have a conversation with her, but she always say she's in a rush.

I'm already done cooking dinner, I knock on her room but I didn't go in.

"Jane, let's eat. It's been awhile when we eat together" I said, and she went out of her room.

We went to the dining area and eat.

"So how are you these past few days?" I asked.

"I'm fine, just busy on law school" she said playing her food.

"Oh... Jane can I ask you a question?" I asked, she nodded.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked her.

"No, I'm fine Lisa don't worry about me" She said and gave me a smile. A fake smile.

"Okay... you know I'm always here, If you have a problem you can talk to me, I'm ready to listen" I said and held her hand, I gave her a smile, and she smiled back.

I started to tell her about what's going on with my life now, she just kept on nodding.

She finished her food, she went to the sink and wash her plate. After she washed her plate, she held on the sink tightly and her right arm on her stomach.

"Ah!" She shouted.

I quickly went to her.

"What happen?" I asked, she didn't answer me.

Blood started to fall on her leg.

Shit, what the fuck is happening to my cousin?!

I started to panic.

"Fuck! Wait, Wait. I'm gonna call an ambulance" I said and called for them.

After 5 minutes they arrived, they pick up Jane.

I get my wallet, keys and phone, and we went down and ride the ambulance.

I called Tyler when we're in the ambulance, Jane held my hand.

"L-Lisa..." she said.

"I'm sorry" She said.

"What? Don't be Jane" I said and held her hand back.

"Hold on, we'll be there okay. Everything will be okay" I said.

After a few minutes we arrived, they put Jane in the E.R.

After a few minutes, Tyler arrived.

"What happen to Jane?" He asked.

"I don't know, She just started to bleed and I don't even know why" I said and cried, Tyler hugged me.

"Shh babe, everything will be okay. Jane will be okay, don't worry" he said.

(After 5 hours)

Jane's already transferred to a private room, I was holding her hand the whole time.

She opened her eyes, she looked around.

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