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Jin was 7 years of age when he first met the little bunny.

At the age of 5 Jungkook was awfully energetic.

Jungkook ran to Jin's crouched figure while they were at the playground during break time.

Jin hadn't noticed the boy standing there silently as he continued to try and rebuild an ant nest some of the other boys had heartlessly crushed on purpose.

Jungkook would have surely continued watching the older boy in awe had it not been for a/an ant.

The fragile creature had panicked and crawled onto Jin's finger as he tried to rebuild their nest.

Jungkook's big brown eyes widened in alarm, but he was too late as the rather large fire ant curled it's body into a fetal position,bit into his skin then quickly plunged its stinger into the small boy's index finger.

Jungkook's world collapsed and a cry of anger and pain broke out of his mouth in a whine.

He jumped towards Jin and immediately crushed the ant with his small chubby fingers.

Now it was Seokjin's turn to cry.

W-why did you k-kill it!?"
Seokjin sniffled as tears bubbled up into his eyes as he stared down at the sad ant pile.

Jungkook flinched at the sudden outburst and his big doe eyes watered ,
his gaze holding the back of Seokjin's head as his plump bottom lip stuck out as it quivered in worry.
"Are you mad at me,Hyung?"
Jungkook asks, voice faltering and high pitched.

Jin turned around sniffling sadly to face the boy who he felt was cruel.

But as soon as his eyes locked into the 5 year olds he froze.

His thoughts left the ant pile and instead focused on the adorably short toddler who stared down at him in regret and worry.

Jin felt horrible instantly and his tears vanished as he jumped to life,lunging to grasp Jungkook and pull him into a warm and comforting hug.

Jungkook's demeanor changed entirely and Jin felt his stiff posture soften and suddenly he was being hugged back.

Jin flinched a bit as he realized that maybe the toddler didn't realize his odd strength, because the brown haired 5 year old was rather strong for his age; especially now as he held onto Jin with a vice like grip.

"W-whats your name?"
Jin squeaked out his voice still quivering slightly from earlier.

Jungkook was silent for a while and Jin started feeling odd,
he had no idea that Jungkook's gaze had hardened into a glare as he stared at the ant pile.

"My name is Jungkookie!
And yours is Jinnie-hyung!"
Jungkook bursted out cheerfully,
after-all he had no reason to be upset over ants that would soon be dead.

Jin smiled awkwardly as Jungkook continued to hug him, grip only tightening

"Don't worry over them,
I'm all you need now and forever hyung."
Jungkook whispered as he squeezed even tighter,......possessively.


The next day was rainy and Jin pouted as he got an odd feeling.

He stabbed his straw carefully into his juice box as he dismissed the odd feeling.

His mind has been wrapped over Jungkook since the day before.

And to his disappointment said toddler still hadn't arrived.

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