Chapter 61: Fun

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Let's just say I have never had a drop of alcohol in my life, so I know nothing about it. I'm totally just winging it 😅


I walked out of the bathroom and into the motel room. I'm in the same hotel as Steve Wanda, Pietro, and Sam, but I didn't visit the boys last night because they were already a sleep. I would've have just slept with one of them, but their fat asses hogged the bed.

Wanda was the only one up and she let me share the bed with her. It was a small bed, but we managed to fit. We've done it before.

I grinned at the group of sleeping individuals.

Sam and Steve slept on one bed, cute.

Pietro took the couch and Wanda had the other bed.

I got about 5 hours of sleep. It's was 3 a.m. when I showed up. Wanda was getting a drink, said she couldn't sleep. We talked a bit, about how they been and what they've been doing.

I used the towel to dry my hair a little better. I smiled softly at everyone.

Maybe I should stay with them. It would make staying places easier, given my ability to change appearance and stuff.

Maybe I will stay with them.

Having Loki around will be amazing. I can finally spend time with him, physically. Not like sexually, but like face-to-face. I mean, talking to each other. We do already, but not face-to-face... god! I'm making myself flustered!

I smiled sheepishly to myself as I felt my cheeks get warm. Think of Loki just makes me all... happy and giddy.

Wait a minute... that bet Bucky and I had on Asgard. He told me what he wanted me to do. When we got back he told me. I know it's was two months ago, and Bucky's not here. I kinda want to do it. Not now though, it's way too early for that! And he would probably want to be here to see it... but I can always do it again...

I smirked as I made a plan in my head, ready for the night to come. I haven't done it in 5 years! Last time I did was when I was 15!


I jumped at the sound of a loud thud followed by a groan. Steve and Sam jumped up quickly, looking around for any trouble.

I smirked at the Maximoff laying on the floor.

"Son of a bitch..." Pietro moaned, his accent strong with the grogginess of his morning voice.

I put my book down and sat up.

"You okay?" I asked him with a chuckle. He waved my off and pulled himself back onto the couch. He laid back down, with his back to us.

"Hope?" Sam squinted tiredly at me. Steve looked up in my direction.

"You guys can go back to sleep. I mean, it's noon, but I know you guys are tired." I opened The Darkest Minds book I was reading. I love these books. I also love the Divergent series and The Maze Runner.

"Noon?" Sam groaned and fell back onto the bed. "That's too early."

I smiled at the page.

"How long have you been up?" Steve stood up and stretched.

Sam and Pietro groaned knowing they can't go to sleep.

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