Sean POV
After a week of tantrums and picking Arielle up from school early, she's finally starting to get the hang of things. Still, Ariana and I wish that she would just sit down and interact with the other kids normally.
"If you're good today, after school I'll take you to go get the toy you were telling me about.", I bargained with her, "Deal?". She cried softly and sniffled.
"I don't like school.", she sobbed.
"Ari, you have to go to school. You're a smart girl and you'll only get smarter by going to school.", I explained, "And plus, today should me different. Mommy dressed you comfortably, you have your lamb, your iPad, and mommy is going to stay with you a little longer.".
"What about Bella?", she whispered.
"Bella and I are going to the doctor. She needs a check up.", I answered, "Promise me you'll have a good day, munchkin.".
"I can't.", she tearfully spoke, "I never do.".
"Arielle, you can and you will. You just gotta get used to school. You're not being open to the idea of it so you keep having bad days.", I explained. She looked at me sadly. I can tell she just wants me to allow her to stay home but I can't. She'd never go to school if I don't send her now.
"Today is going to be a good day.", I smiled lightly, "You got this Ari.".
Ariana POV
Since Arielle gets out at noon, I'm staying until 10 so that she feels more comfortable until Sean come's to get her later. On Friday, she did try harder but she just cried and I had to come get her.
"You ready, baby love?", I asked, looking in the rearview mirror. She looked sadly at me.
"Ari, we're going to have fun. You can show me your classroom and I'll play with you for a little bit until others want to play with you.", I told her, "It'll be fun. I promise.".
Once we arrived at the school, I parked in the lot. I got Arielle out of the car and grabbed her stuff. Already, she was crying.
"What's the matter?", I asked, kneeling down to her level.
"I wanna go home.", she sobbed, "I don't like it here.".
"Arielle, I'm staying with you for a little while. Doesn't that seem fun?", I asked. She folded her arms and pouted. I grabbed her stuff out of the car and led her inside. I'll make this place fun for her so that I can stop coming around these sticky kids. I'm not trying to be rude but Arielle, compared to the rest of them, is the best little girl ever.
"Good morning, Arielle!", her teacher cheered, "Did you bring a guest with you?". Arielle hugged my leg rather than answering her. My poor child is terrified of anything new to her and it breaks my heart.
"Arielle, there's nothing to be afraid of. I promise.", I whispered, "You gotta let go of me.". I tried to pry her off of me but she wouldn't budge. This is seriously the last thing we need right now.
"You're not little.", Jeanette said as she walked over to us, "Why are you here?".
I smiled, "Good morning, Jeannette. How are you?".
"You didn't answer my question.", she complained.
I sighed, "Well, Jeanette, you couldn't help Arielle so I have to help her.".
"She didn't want my help.", she argued, "She hasn't talked to me in days!".
"Well, talk to her now. She's not going anywhere.", I suggested. She nodded and went to stand in front of Jeanette. She smiled at Arielle.
"Hi.", Ari spoke softly.
"Hi.", Jeanette replied, "Can we play or are you upset?". I felt Arielle's grip around me loosen.
"Go play with her.", I said quickly, "I know you wanna play with her. You always do. She's your best friend.".
"We can play house.", Jeanette offered, "I don't really like it but you do.".
"Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please!", Ms. George called out. All the kids stopped what they were doing and looked to her.
"I know it's a little later but we have a new student.", she announced, "This is Emma. She's joining our class today.". A little girl entered the room. Of course Sascha's daughter is the Emma she's talking about. Emma loves Ari but Ari hates Emma.
"Wow, you picked this school, too?", Sascha asked as she entered the room.
"Yeah,", I breathed out, "I guess Emma and Ari are going to be together.".
"No, Arielle is going to be with me.", Jeanette interrupted, she's my best friend. Jeanette hugged Arielle tightly causing Arielle's grip to tighten around me again and put my weight on my leg.
"Hi, Arielle.", Emma spoke excitedly.
"She's mines.", Jeanette hissed.
"The two of you should let go of me. And can't the three of you play together?", I complained, "There's enough Arielle for the both of you.". Jeanette released Arielle but Arielle didn't let go of me. I sighed deeply. Before I could try to pry her off again, Emma rushed over and hugged Arielle. Arielle held on tighter and started crying. I'm losing circulation in my leg.
"Em, stop.", Sascha spoke quickly, "She doesn't want to hug right now.". Emma let go and stood back. I finally got Arielle to let go of me. Pitifully, she stood there and cried. I could help but she pick her up and cuddle her. She may act older than what she is but she's still only three.
Hours Later
I ended up never leaving Arielle. However, her day wasn't horrible. After she cried for the last time, she went to play with Emma and Jeanette. Every so often, she would come back to me for a cuddle and then go back. At story time, she sat in my lap and daydreamed. Now, it's noon, and I need to get home to Bella.
Sean POV
The front door opened and shut quietly. Bella is about to wake up from her morning nap and get lunch. Also... I missed Ariana. I went to the front to greet them.
"Could you put that in the kitchen for me?", Ariana asked, "Daddy will make you lunch.". As I approached them, Arielle grabbed a Trader Joe's bag and hauled it in front of her.
"Hey, munchkin. Can I get a kiss?", I cooed. She smiled at me, her cheeks getting a soft pink color. She put down the bag and hugged my waist.
"I'm guessing you had a better day?", I asked.
"I played with Jeanette.", she answered, "And mommy ate snack with me.".
"That sounds nice.", I said happily, "Remember what I told you would happen if you had a good day?".
"I get a new toy!", she cheered, "Dada, I want a baby!".
"A real baby or a doll?", Ariana asked nervously. I chuckled.
"The baby factory for mama is closed.", Ariana reiterated.
"I want a baby doll.", Arielle spoke happily, "With a stroller and a crib and a high chair like Bella.".
"Well then, I guess we're going to the American Girl store.", I decided. Arielle jumped up and down happily.
"You're buying her a $100 doll that she's going to discard in a week?", Ariana asked, she seemed dismayed by the idea, "Just get her another $20 doll.".
"Ari, she did good today and besides, we're rich. $100 is nothing.", I explained, "Come on, munchkin.". I quickly kissed Ariana and left the house.
Hours Later
Ariana POV
"So, school was good?", mommy asked again.
"Yeah.", I answered happily, "I think I'm going to have to keep going with her for the rest of the week and leaving earlier and earlier but she did good today.". I placed Bella on my shins and lifted her in the air as I laid on the ground. She giggled loudly.
"Mama! Look! Look! Look!", Arielle yelled loudly. I turned my head and looked at the entrance of the living room. Arielle rushed in with a new doll in her hands. She showed my mom and then me.
"She's pretty, and she looks like you.", I finally spoke, "What's her name?".
"Elle.", she gushed, "Isn't she perfect?".
I giggled, "She is perfect. Where's your daddy?".
"He's getting my stuff.", she answered, "Look.". She ran out of the room. Mommy took Bella from me and walked away. I got up and went to investigate.
There Sean was, taking boxes and boxes of toys and clothes out of the car for the stupid doll. It's insane the things this man will do for Arielle.
"He brought you all of that?", mommy asked. Arielle nodded proudly.
"Ari, I thought you wanted a baby.", I reminded her, "Elle is a little girl like you.".
"I got a baby and Elle.", she responded, "The baby looks like Bella.".
"Sean!", I called out.
"Hey, Ari, let's go get you ready for a bath.", mommy spoke quickly. She took her hand and led her inside. I rushed down the steps and over to him.
"We got carried away.", he mumbled.
"We? Sean you have a wallet with money and cards in it, not her.".
"Yeah, but she was having such a bad week and she had a good day today. I couldn't help myself.", he explained, "Besides, she's really happy. Doesn't that matter the most.".
"You brought most of the damn store for a three year old that's probably just going to destroy everything anyway.". He sighed deeply.
"You should've waited until she gets older.", I softly spoke, "Anything she breaks, you gotta replace it.".
"Fine.", he agreed, "Can you help me bring this stuff inside though?". I sighed deeply. He smiled as he kept unloading the car.