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               THE BOY THAT WAS born to Ada did not get to experience the short bout of merriment that had befallen the family. No sooner than the baby took its second breath had the police barged through the doors with angry, shouted demands for Freddie Thorne's arrest. The new mother was left crying as she cradled her new-born to her chest: hot, angry, bewildered tears streaming down her cheeks.

Felicity had rushed from Thomas' side the moment they had returned from the earlier wedding and now she did her best to comfort Ada, alongside Polly and Esme. The newest Shelby had wasted no time in helping her sister-in-law, both throughout the labour and when the coppers had entered the scene.

"Aren't you coming?" Felicity had asked Thomas once the car had arrived at the house, a mere twenty minute drive that had been one of apparent agony to the expectant mother. The blonde stepped out into the street from where she had stood, halfway through the threshold of the door.

Thomas shook his head, taking measured steps backwards, away from the women. "There's not much us men can do now, Lis" he returned, with wry, wary laughter lighting his voice.

Arthur had nodded with a grin. "Except go and get drunk!"

Thomas confirmed this with a retaliating, amused smile as he turned away from the house. "Right," he'd claimed to his brothers. "Come on."

He would have gotten further had Polly not reminded him just who's baby was about to be born. "There's one man who should be here," she said in a particularly pointed manner.

Turning on his heel, Thomas caught Felicity's eye as he inhaled from the cigarette that he gripped between his fingers. She held his gaze, silently pleading with him to give in to his aunt's wishes and just let Freddie Thorne walk free for the night without the threat of a war hanging over his head.

"You're right, Pol," he eventually exhaled, allowing the silvery smoke to disperse into the air in short clouds. "Freddie should be here.

Felicity raised her eyebrows as she attempted to prevent the smile from growing on her lips. "Is that a heartbeat I hear inside that chest?" She teased.

"The truce lasts 'til sunrise, on my oath." Thomas ignored her quip but the bemused expression that had quickly alighted his features was not hard to miss. "Tell Freddie it's safe."

Beside her, Polly's face broke into a grin as she turned from her nephews and ran back into the house, shouting for the Shelby girl. "Ada!" The joy in her voice was as clear as day, and Felicity hoped it would last.

The blonde turned to Tommy. "D'you really mean that? That it's safe for Freddie?"

He simply nodded. "Today's the biggest day of my sister's life," he hummed. "I've got enough of a heart to allow her husband to be a part of it."

Thomas Shelby had more of a heart than he would ever give himself credit for, and the girl knew this. Returning his smile with a warm one of her own, she turned quickly to help the other women as Ada screamed bloody murder, her pained cries ringing with exhaustion. The man watched her go before he too turned on his heel and towards his brothers.

"Right boys," he called to John and Arthur. "Let's wet this baby's head, eh?"

The youngest grinned, sauntering ahead with a cigarette jutting out of his upturned, amused lips. "Our brother hasn't turned soft for the girl, hmm?"

Thomas shot him a half-arsed glare, but the smile that was present in his baby blue irises gave him away. "The only thing that has happened is that I need a drink, John Boy, believe me."

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