The Black Lion Landed, and Keith Walked Acxa Into the Castle of Lions, Jackora and Pidge waiting. Jackora instantly Realized Acxa's injury.
Keith: Some of the Explosion Got to her.
Jackora: Let me heal her.
Acxa: I'll be alright. I don't need h-
Acxa suddenly went into a fit of coughing, some blood coming out of her mouth. Jackora and Pidge Quickly ran to her aid.
Pidge: You DO need Help... and FAST.
Acxa: I... Guess your right.
Jackora quickly began to heal Acxa.Jackora: I can heal most of it... but the rest will need to heal on it's own, you'll need to take it easy. Witch means no training, or exercise that could damage the wound any more than it already is.
Acxa: Understood.
Jackora Continued to heal Acxia, Being as Calm as he could.
Jackora: It's going to be alright... I'll tell everyone what happened if both of you are willing to tell me your respective sides of the story.
Acxa: Sound good... I guess.
Keith: Sure... and Acxa, I'll help patch that wound up.
Acxa: Thanks... Keith.
She-Ra:; Infinite
Science FictionAfter defeating Horde Prime, It looked like the adventures had ended for our heroes... but it was only the beginning, as a new threat stepped up to the plate, and Took the main team under his power, except for She-Ra, Hordak, and Entrapta, will they...