Part 1: The Valley

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"Kids, wake up."

Opening your eyes, you squinted at the bright California sun. Still dazed with sleep, you listened to a conversation between your twin brother, Daniel, and your mother.

As you listened, a smile formed on your face. You were glad she was excited about the move. You were happy about it too. You'd get a fresh start. Daniel on the other hand sounded like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

Your mood followed his as you looked at the run down apartment complex in front of you. This was gonna be rough.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the enthusiastic voice of your mother. "Come on. All hands on deck."

You let out a sigh as you climbed out of the crappy car behind your brother. You grabbed your bags as Daniel struggled with his bike.

You mother piled more stuff into your arms as she tried to make Daniel find something good about this place. "Did I tell you about the pool here?"

You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Daniel answered as he fiddled with the straps holding his bike in place. "Only about 100 times."

"Wait. There's a pool here?" You asked sarcastically as your mom walked towards the complex.

"Haha very funny." She said to you before turning to Daniel. "Open your eyes, my darling son. This is the garden of Eden."

"Everybody's searching for the promise land." You mumbled as you followed Daniel towards the front gate.

Not having a free hand, you watched him kick the door open. You gasped as someone cried out in pain before falling to the ground on the other side.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked as he quickly went to help the poor guy.

"Aw way to go Daniel. We've been here 5 minutes and you're already making friends." You said as you followed him through the front.

"Don't worry about it." The guy said as he took Daniels hand to get up.

He looked at Daniel and then to you with a smile, "you must be the new people in apartment 20 right?"

"Yeah I guess so." Daniel answered.

"Freddy Fernandez, apartment 17." He said while shaking his hand.

After the introductions, he walked with you through the complex. You and Daniel answered his many questions as you walked by an almost completely empty green pool.

"Is this the only pool you've got?" You could hear the disappointment in Daniels voice.

You sighed as he said it was.

"I bet you could kick some ass huh." As they started talking about karate, you couldn't help but laugh. You loved Daniel but he was anything but intimidating. You've kicked his ass on multiple occasions.

You were interrupted by an old lady with a dog laying under her chair. "This place is a dump. You should go back to New Jersey."

Daniel stopped walking to talk to her but you decided to head up the stairs. The bags you were carrying were starting to get heaving.

As you walked into the apartment, you were a little disappointed at the run down look of it. But you were excited about seeing your room.

As you walked past your mom, you couldn't help but tease her. "Nice pool Ma."

"Shut it." She said as she began to unpack.

You laughed as you headed down the hall, picking a room with a window overlooking the street.

You set your bags down and walked back into the living room just in time to see Daniel getting sprayed by the broken sink.

"The faucets broken." You said to your mom.

"The real estate lady said there's a fix it guy. See if you can find him." She said to both you and Daniel.

As you were about to walk out the door Daniel stopped. "Oh Ma, we got invited to a party tomorrow." He said while gesturing to you.

"Cool." You said while walking out the door, not wanting to wait and listen to Daniel and your mom's conversation. He ran to catch up to you as you walked down the stairs.

"Could you tell me where the maintenance guy is?" Daniel asked while setting a bowl of water down for the lady's dog.

"Yeah you go in through there, turn left, not too far, then right, go inside and you'll find him on the left."

"So I go right then left." He said as he kept walking.

"No. Left then right, then inside on the left." You and the old lady both said in unison.

Together you walked into the small room. You stayed behind Daniel as you saw an old man trying to catch a fly with a pair of chopsticks.

"Are you the maintenance man?" He asked trying to get his attention.

"Ai." He said

"We're the new people in apartment 20." Daniel continued.

After the man didn't answer, Daniel stepped into the room, trying to get his point across. "Yeah the faucets really leaking there."

The man turned around, giving him a look. Daniel backed out before speaking again. "Could you come fix it?"

"Ai." Was his only answer.

"Well can I tell my mom when?"

"When what?"

"When you're gonna fix the faucet."

"After." He said, making you furrow your eyebrows.

"After what?" You chimed in.

"After after." He said sounding annoyed.

"What does that even mean?" You mumbled to Daniel. He only shrugged and walked out, you following behind him.

The rest of the day went by without incident. After fully unpacking, you were exhausted. You barely had enough energy to eat your dinner.

You fell into your bed, letting sleep take over.

Johnny'll be in the next chapter don't worry lmao. I just didn't wanna rush it.

Idk how many people will read this but I hope you like it so far :) I haven't strayed far from the movie plot yet but I will I promise.

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