Part 8: The Halloween Dance 2

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"Hey, there's Daniel." Ali said, ripping you from your thoughts.

"Where?" Susan asked, looking through the crowd.

"In the shower." She said through a laugh.

"How do you know?" Susan asked suspiciously.

"I just know." Ali said with a smile.

You had to hand it to her, she knew Daniel. You knew it was him too, but that wasn't as impressive seeing as you were twins.

Ali walked towards him, leaving you, Susan, and Barbara alone.

"I don't know what she sees in him." Barbara said, shaking her head.

"She must be into fungus." Susan mused back.

"Oh shut it." You said rolling your eyes.

They looked at you, but kept their mouths shut.

Not wanting to be around them, you went back to get another drink. As you poured another cup, you watched a guy dressed in a chicken costume start cracking eggs over peoples heads. You laughed as you saw Daniel was his last target.

"Hey, Wonder Woman." An unfamiliar voice said from beside you.

You turned to see a guy dressed as a Baseball Fury from The Warriors. He wore a strong smile. Though Johnny would have been taller than him, you still had to look up to make eye contact.

You smiled back. "Hi."

"My names Matt." He said, holding out his hand for you to shake it.

You took his hand, telling him your name. "So Matt, how come I haven't seen you around school?"

"Oh I don't go here." He said shaking his head. "Some of my friends invited me so I decided to stop by."

"Cool." You said as you took a drink of your punch.

Looking back out at the dance floor, you saw Ali and Susan staring at you with wide eyes. You gave them a confused look as they jerked their heads back, signaling for you to go over to them.

You turned back to see Matt still smiling at you. "What?" You asked through a laugh.

"Nothing." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay weirdo." You said with a smile.

Before he could say anything else, you spoke up again. "It was nice to meet you, but my friends keep looking at me so I think I should go see what they want."

"Okay. Maybe I'll see you around Wonder Woman." He said giving you another dashing smile.

"Maybe you will." You said before walking away.

Ali was the first to speak once you were within earshot. "Do you have any idea who that was?"

"Uhh yeah. His names Matt." You said lowering your eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah," Susan chimed in. "Matthew Steel. The best football player in the state. He's gonna go to UCLA next year."

Your jaw dropped. "Wow I had no idea."

"What did he want? Why is he here?" Ali asked with a giant smile on her face.

"Nothing." You shook your head. "Some of his friends invited him so he stopped by."

"Yeah but he was talking to you." Susan said with a smirk.

"You have to go back and talk to him again." Ali said.

Then you remembered Johnny. "No, I don't really feel like it."

Ali rolled her eyes. "Look at him! He's hot."

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