Prologue 1

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"General Brightblade, she's the only survivor. Her supposed mother was holding her. The mother was killed but had ten of the invaders bodies surrounding her." The elven soldier states handing the general the newborn infant.

"She couldn't be more than hours old." General Brightblade says in awe of the mother that gave birth then fought and killed ten of the invaders. He does his best to keep his heart cold towards the infant now in his arms. Humans were merely tolerated here to offer a buffer between the often warring armies of the humans and the elven country that is the forest.

For the most part humans are despised and hated. They do have some trade, but there is little that the humans have that the elves don't have and of better make.

Ever since their prince lost his betrothed he's fostered hate towards the humans. He wasn't the only one that lost a loved one, but he was one of the leaders and the people took their lead from him.

There would be no keeping the baby with them.

Reluctantly the general looks at the innocent face of the baby. "We'll have to ask the other settlements if they will take in the infant. She wouldn't have a good life among us. If she was allowed to live with us, that is."

"Yes general. I'll send out inquiries as soon as burial detail is finished." The villagers will be given the elven burial, sending off their souls to their god. The invaders will be given a human burial of being dumped in the ground and the dirt tossed on them.

Soon the elves were busy lighting fires and digging a deep pit. There will be just one pit for all the invaders.

General Brightblade stays long enough to make sure that they have all the information that they can figure out about the attack. Once he's sure that he has all the information he turns back and goes to the palace to report.

King Uruek awaits his report. "Your majesty, this is the only survivor of the attack against the human village. Sire, we were unaware of the attack until it was finished, there was no sign, no way to detect the attack beforehand. There were outside forces at work.

"They left, but I sent some of our soldiers after the remnants. The baby's mother took down several on her own."

The king looks from the general to the infant. "The mother did? The baby doesn't look more than a day old."

"Hours more like. It's very likely that she got up from giving birth as soon as the baby was taken from her and cleaned up." Kallen tells the king with no little admiration. It takes a great deal to have Kallen admire any one, but especially a human.

There is a noise of dissatisfaction to the right of the king. Prince Dhiren looks with distaste at the young human in his general's arms. "Whether or not her mother was amazing is immaterial, she can't stay here, she isn't elven."

The king looks at his son with narrowed eyes. "You are not king yet, young man. Kallen, you will make every effort to find this child a human home. You are now in charge of her welfare, is that understood?"

"Of course my king, my soldiers have already sent out inquiries to the surrounding villages and city."

"Very good, keep investigating. We don't want our enemies to find a way to invade us with out any warning like they had the human villages."

"Yes, my king." Kallen bows to his king then the prince before withdrawing from the throne room. He sighs deeply while holding the waking child close to his chest.

"Damn, it's going to be hard to give you up once we find you a permanent home." Kallen whispers looking at the innocent one in his arms.

"Kallen? What do you have there?" Sorid, his lovely wife asks him.

"The only survivor of the human village just outside our borders." Kallen tells his wife with heavy heart.

Sorid takes the infant in her arms and is immediately taken with her. "Her family?"

"We believe her mother gave her life to protect her, she was surrounded by enemy dead. There is no way to know about her father. If he was there, then he is dead as well. There were no other survivors after all."

"We don't have any way to know her name or her family. There is no way to send her to family to raise, if there is any living." Kallen tells his wife heavily. "I have been tasked by the king to make sure that she finds a family. He specifically stated a human family, but, from what's been happening with the humans, it's highly unlikely that any will take her."

"If no one will take her, I want her, Kallen. She doesn't deserve anything less than two parents that will love her. You will not leave her in a children's home, Kallen. I won't permit it."

"What are you saying Sorid? You want us to take in the child? You know what will happen if we take her in, our friends will ostracize us. You will be mocked and hated."

Sorid thinks about things a bit before answering, "I would rather not associate with those that would hate an innocent child just because of her race. I would rather be ostracized than have those that only wanted to be around me because of my ranking of high priestess to our goddess or your position as General of the armies. I guess it will be a way to see if there are any true friends here."

"Your majesty, it appears that the humans are refusing to take in the child. They all say that they are unable to take the child or that it isn't safe for her, for them. The city would only take her if there was a healthy donation along with her for her upkeep. I would humbly ask that I and my wife would be allowed to take her in and raise her as our own." Kallen asks his king.

"You've got to be kidding me!" The prince exclaims before the king can say anything.

The king looks thoughtfully at his son. He understands how his son feels, he lost his love, but to take that hatred out on an entire race when it had been just a few rotten apples out of them all is wrong. Perhaps it's time for the elves as a whole to learn a lesson in humility and he's betting that the young girl will be able to be the one to give that lesson. If that girl is anything like her mother was.

The king looks once more to his general. "Very well, Kallen. I want her taught in all things to do with our people, make sure that she is well taught. However, she won't be allowed to stay here once she gets old enough to live in the human world. Dhiren will be the one to decide when she is fully trained and able to survive out in the human world on her own."

Kallen doesn't know if he should be thankful or upset at the ruling, but he will take what he can. It is more than he had actually hoped to receive.

"Kallen?" Sorid asks hesitantly.

"We are able to raise her as our own until she is considered old enough to survive in the human world."

"Who will determine that?" Sorid asks sadly.

"His highness, Prince Dhiren." Kallen tells her reluctantly.

"Dhiren?" Sorid says horrified. "He'll send her away before she's ready. She'll be sent out into the world unprepared. She'll starve to death."

Neither of them heard the door open or the man come into the room. "You really think that I would send a young girl into the human world unprepared? Do you really think that I am that cruel?" The prince says horrified at their reaction.

"It is well known how much you hate humans prince. I would not be surprised if you did." Kallen knows that he shouldn't talk to his prince that way, but he doesn't like his wife that upset.

"I wouldn't make her leave if she isn't prepared to survive in the human world." Kallen and the high priestess look at him unbelievingly.

Dhiren sighs, "I'll make you this promise now, I won't send her out until I'm sure that she can survive on her own or if she is in danger staying here."

The two remain unconvinced but they accept their prince's assurances.


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