Part 2 | Who to trust?

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[5:37 AM ███ ] 

"This is Medical Department Overseer Cookie, start evacuation progress as soon as you can. This is not a drill."

[5:38 AM ███ ]  *Gun sounds* 

"Medical Department overseer has been shot!"

[5:38 AM ███ ] 

"MD evacuate with emergency helicopter waiting for you at S-A docks.

[5:38 AM ███ ] 

"Administrator's location is unknown, Beta-7 and Alpha-1 relocate him immediately"

[7:41 AM ███ ] SpiritualMegaPizza, starting my log once again. Troll is back, he said that he feels a bit strange. I don't know if I should kill him or not. There is only one thing to follow right now, be careful, and do not trust anyone else. SCP-409 Could've been infected to them too. 

[7:48 AM ███ ] Troll died due to SCP-409 injection. I don't know what to say from that moment. I may need support to clear the site. "may?!" I MUST need assistance to clear the entire site. 4 MTF personnel is dead. I asked if any other MTF High Rank is currently on-site. No response for a few mins then B-7 TFL Leak opened the door with a GUN!

[7:50 AM ███ ] 

"What the hell are you doing Leak?"

"I lost my keycard."

"Anyone alive from that test?" 

"1 Class-D is lost , others died." 

"Who was the Class-D"

"I don't have any idea. Scientist did not answer my questions." 

"Very suspicious."

"Maybe a CI agent."

"Maybe.. Maybe."

[ NO TIME DATA ] Lights are gone. Doors ain't working. I have no idea why this SCP is having a major breach.


"Do not trust anyone , this is the main rule." 

"You clear S-II to S-IV" *silence* "I will clear S-I to Sector-█████"

Area-Omega | Protocol ████ [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now