Finals Part 1

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The stadium where the finals for the Chunin exams were to be held was located just outside the central part of the Leaf Village. It was here that Sakura Haruno stood alongside the other finalists in the middle of the stadium as they all waited for the last portion of the exams to begin. The stadium was packed and it seemed as though the entire village had turned out to watch the battles. This wasn't counting the visitors from the other villages that had come to support their individual contenders.

There was a closed off section in the upper right hand side for all the visiting dignitaries and their entourages which included elite protection. Sarutobi sat in an individual area in the middle of the stadium with the Kazekage from the Sunkagure beside him. Sakura couldn't make out what they were saying to each other but to her it seemed as though the Third was uncomfortable.

Sakura rubbed her hands together nervously. She was the only member of Team 7 standing in the stadium. Naruto and Sasuke were nowhere to be seen and it seemed as though everyone was ready to get underway.

Hayate was supposed to be the proctor for the third exam but apparently there were complications and the battles for the final round were to be overseen by a man named Genma Shiranui. He had hardly spoken to them other than to tell them that he was going to be the proctor and then he had ignored them. Genma would glance up every so often at the Hokage for conformation that the exams should start.

Where are Sasuke and Naruto! These exams are ready to start any second and there's no way they're going to hold off just for those two! Sakura thought as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"GAHHHH WHAT THE HELL YOU FREAKY BULLS!?" Naruto yelled as he flew through one of the entrances and landed on the hard stadium floor. Dazed and a little confused the blond boy sat up rubbing his head.

"Naruto?" Sakura called and walked over to her teammate.

"Oh Sakura-chan! Am I too late? Oh right the bulls! Everyone needs to be prepared because there is a whole heard of those guys coming straight for us!" Naruto whipped his head around only to discover there was nothing there.

"Look I don't know what you're talking about but I'm glad you made it. Sasuke isn't here yet though and the exams are about to begin" Sakura said a little anxiously.

"Don't worry Sakura I'm sure the Teme will be here soon he's not going to miss an opportunity like this! I want to fight him myself!" Naruto exclaimed and Sakura relaxed a little.

"Hey you two enough with the chatter you're at a competition remember and people have paid to see you fight. So stand up straight and face the spectators" Genma instructed, removing the senbon from his mouth.

Sakura and Naruto exchanged sheepish glances and turned around to look at the crowd in the packed stadium. They cheered loudly calling out the names of their favourite competitors. Sakura observed her rivals carefully and happened to catch Gaara's eye. She flinched recalling her encounter with him at the hospital and quickly looked away. Naruto followed Sakura's eyes and narrowed his own when he met Gaara's gaze.

Sarutobi noted that the Uchiha boy had not arrived and the third exams were due to start in less than a minute. A Jounin guard came up and whispered something into his ear, Sasuke Uchiha was still missing and the Anbu Black Ops had found no trace of him thus far. Sarutobi's eyes narrowed, were they too late? Was it possible that the Uchiha boy had gone to Orochimaru already?

The third nodded and dismissed the Jounin before turning towards the Kazekage.

"It seems as though we are missing Uchiha Sasuke from our list of finalists. I know how eager you were to see the fight between him and Gaara but I'm afraid we need to begin the exam" Sarutobi said.

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