Back in Alysa's past; her birth village was having a storm of its own. And ever so slowly the winds were beginning to grow in rage.
"What do you mean we need her boy?!" Ben's father yelled in response.
"A storm is brewing, you can feel the tension in the air. If we don't -" Ben began to protest, pleading for aid in arguing for Alysa's return.
"Don't what? Bring that bitch back into our home, the world is going to end?" His father deterred.
"Dad -" Ben attempted once more.
"No, that witch screwed up our lives and it's better that she's not here." Yet his father stood his ground.
"But -" There was no point in furthering the conversation and Ben knew it.
"End of conversation Benjamin." His father said, leaving Ben standing in his living room alone.
Ben sighed as he closed the front door. Walking out of the house continuing along his mission.
He was right and he knew it; the air was too still and the wind was too stiff. Any beginner witch or warlock could tell the warning signs.
The weather patterns were a clear indication of the troubles to come. Alysa's exile had torn the coven apart; those who wished she would've stayed and those who were happy to see her go.
The divide had only weakened their strength and connection to the Mother Goddess.
The entire coven knew it and the worried glances had turned to whispers, which were growing louder by the day.
Frustrated, Ben went to the elders; seeking counsel. He walked into the council's meeting place at the center of their village.
"I stand before you asking to hold a trial." He said to the nine elderly women and men; the eldest of the coven.
The oldest alive had the most wisdom and experience and held a place of reverence and power within the community.
"For whom I question?" The elder holding the center seat asked.
"For Alysa Ever Moonchild."
The entire council sat slightly more upright at the mention of Alysa's name; it had been a split decision with her own grandmother holding a seat on the council. Her face fell at the memory of her beloved grandchild.
"I'm sorry child, she has been exiled from our coven and is no longer welcome." One of the other wise women shook her head solemnly.
"I urge you, the tides are waning, the wind is growing stale. Do you not admit or at very least consider the absence of one of our own to be the cause?" Benjamin pleading in a wish to gain at least a little sympathy.

The Visitor
FantasyMagic exists everywhere in the world, in the distant town of Zil, people have forgotten about the magic that once freely flowed through their lands. That is until a traveler stops to visit and changes everything they thought they knew.