Doodles of Late Night Drinking

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The Advance Guard was set to retrieve Harry Potter tomorrow evening

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The Advance Guard was set to retrieve Harry Potter tomorrow evening.

Albus had told Rosalind to stay with Sirius while the Gaurs are at the Dursley's home tomorrow, "to keep him company," Albus had said, twinkle in his eye.

Rosalind felt something nudge her foot under the table, looking down she saw Sirius' foot kicking hers to get her attention. She looked up from their feet to see him smirking at her, holding up multiple glasses of fire whiskey, "Fancy some?"

"I've never..." Rosalind protested, shaking her head wildly. She stopped the movement and thought deeply for a moment; the war was beginning so she should try something new in case she ends up six feet under. "Actually, yes please." she smiled thankfully at him when he passed her a few glasses of firewhiskey.

Sirius laughed loudly when Rosalind immediately sputtered the drink right back into the glass and all over her face.

Firewhiskey was disgusting.

Rosalind could feel the drink dribble down her chin as her face lit with embarrassment. Sirius didn't seem to notice her embarrassment as he bent over the table and wiped the liquid off her face with a cloth, wide smile on his face.

"Round two." Rosalind muttered as she took a second cautious gulp of the drink, she only coughed lightly this time. "Yey!" she cheered as she successfully took a third gulp and didn't cough at all.

Sirius chuckled under his breath as he downed his drink. Rosalind followed his movements and gulped all her drink, immediately feeling her brain become fuzzy and all her inhibitions flow out of the window. She downed her second and third glasses which earned an impressed eyebrow raise from Sirius.

Sirius was a very handsome man.

So, she told him that. "Sirius, you have a nice face."

Sirius' widened eyes flew to Rosalind's as he stared at the woman in surprise before bursting into a loud laugh, shocking Rosalind. She didn't understand what was so funny; Benjamin told her to flirt, so she was flirting or at least trying too.

"Merlin, you are adorable." Sirius muttered lowly under his breath, but Rosalind still heard him.

"You think I'm adorable?" Rosalind's head was spinning from the alcohol and Sirius' words. The alcohol was burning her brain cells and common sense, she was sure of it. But it didn't stop her attempt at flirting, in fact it probably made it worse.

"I believe you are unbelievably adorable, love." admitted Sirius, the mirth in his eyes had been replaced with a serious look. Without waiting for a response from the shocked woman, Sirius bet over the table and took away her glass. "You're also a light weight." Sirius shook his head jokingly, "Getting drunk after three glasses. It's impressive really."

"It was my first time ever having alcohol!" Rosalind shouted, brains on holiday.

Sirius shushed her while laughing at her actions.

She was completely shit-faced.

"It's a sin in my opinion," Sirius replied, "now let's get you to bed."

"You gonna join?" said Rosalind with an exaggerated wink.

Sirius groaned from next to her, his arm tightening on her waist as he helped her walk up the stairs towards her bedroom. "Not tonight, Rose."

"Another night then?"

Sirius ignored her question but his grip on her waist tightened even more, "Apparently you're a confident drunk, good to know."

"Want to know some other things?" asked Rosalind, raking her nails through Sirius' beard, feeling him tense underneath her soft touch.

The man only nodded, not trusting his voice.

"My favourite food is carrots."

"Great choice." Sirius replied

"My favourite colour is yellow."

"I guessed that ages ago." He gestured to her yellow sweater with his free hand. "You always wear yellow something, it's usually socks though."

Rosalind's mouth felt like it was made out of sandpaper and her mind was blank, but she continued to admit more about herself to the man, "My parents are in Azkaban." She didn't give Sirius a chance to reply as she continued to speak, not that the man knew what to reply with anyway. "I'm part veela."

Sirius scoffed under his breath, "Obviously." His grey eyes scanned her body, darkening slightly before returning to her face.

"Oh!Oh!Oh!" Rosalind suddenly squealed as they reached her bedroom door, "Let's go back to the conversation from earlier."

"Which one?" questioned Sirius

"The one about things I've never done." she replied dramatically, opening her bedroom door.

Sirius decided to play along and gasped dramatically causing the woman to let out an adorable giggle, "And what would that be, love?"


Sirius felt himself freeze, heart beating widely as he replayed her words in his head. It didn't effect his feelings for her in the slightest, it was just a shock that she admitted it so nonchalantly even under the influence of alcohol. "W-What?"

Rosalind ignored his question and continued to list things she had never done before. "Snogged someone who isn't gay."

Sirius tried to stop her, knowing she would be embarrassed in the morning, if she even remembered it.

"And I've always wanted to give a man a blowj-"

A hand over her mouth stopped her from continuing the sentence. Sirius ignored the tingle on his hand from where her lips touched his skin as he guided the woman into the room.

This woman was going to be the death of him.

"Let's get you in bed." Sirius hurriedly added "Alone." after the woman's chocolate eyes lit up with excitement. He guided her over to the bed and tucked her in, his heart dropping in his chest when he heard Rosalind sniffling.

She was crying.

Sirius rushed over to the woman and gently pushed her hair away from her tear-stained face. "What's wrong, love?"

"You're mad at me." she wailed

Sirius sputtered confusedly, "Sweetheart, I'm not mad at you."

A childish smile appeared on Rosalind's face as the tears from earlier were long forgotten, "Really?"

"Really." Sirius promised, bending down and kissing her on the forehead.

Rosalind's cheeks flushed in response. "Goodnight." She squeaked out.

"Sweet dreams, Rose." Sirius started to walk out of the bedroom but turned around to face the woman, cheeky smirk on his face, "If you want to continue the sex conversation tomorrow, sober, just ask."

Sober Rosalind will not be asking.

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