Title: Inescapable Truth
Author: Wereleopard58
Rating: T/Teen and up audiences
Show: NCIS/Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: None in this story
Warning: Anti Ziva, Anti McGee. All of NCIS and Stargate Atlantis just to be safe
Summary: Tony realises that he has had enough, he is sick and tired of the attitude he is getting from everyone. The Director is trying to force him into an op. An unexpected job offer is his chance to escape. This is the prequel to 'Agent, really far Afloat."
A/N This chapter has been sitting on my laptop for ages with people stuck at home I asked if they wanted it posted. I am doing this so I don't end up making errors when they come back to Earth in the sequel. This won't be a long story, but it will show how Tony gets to Atlantis and how he becomes best friends with McKay. It was a yes, it's only the first chapter it won't be a long story. You all know where it ends if you have read the other fic. Enjoy and stay safe 3
"I'm sorry Director Shepard; I'll have to refuse the Benoit op."
Jenny stared at him coolly. "What?"
Tony smiled "Thank you for thinking of me, but I can't be part of the op."
"Agent DiNozzo, I think you should think about it first."
Tony could tell by her tone that the conversation was over and she wasn't taking no as an answer. He nodded, turned and left the office. He smiled at Cynthia, just then his cell went off. "DiNozzo, who is this? Oh really, a job..."
As soon as Tony disappeared, Cynthia headed in to see the Director.
Jenny looked up as her personal assistant walked in. "Is Agent DiNozzo leaving? I'd like to get the paperwork together." She liked to get ahead of things like this.
"No, why do you ask?"
"He was on the phone and talked about a job." Cynthia didn't think anything of it. Tony hadn't tried to hide the conversation.
"He isn't leaving you may go."
"Very well director." She hoped that she hadn't made a mistake and caused him any trouble.
Jenny waited until she was alone. She picked up her phone and dialled. "It's me; I want you to find out who has offered my agent Anthony DiNozzo Junior a job." She sighed "It's important, just do what I tell you," with that she slammed the handset onto the cradle.
Tony collapsed onto his sofa. He used to love going to work, but things had changed: Abby and Ducky were hurt because Gibbs had left. Ziva, McGee and Shepard were all being nightmares. The only person who was there for him had been Jimmy. His autopsy gremlin had been a lifesaver.
His mind wandered to the Benoit op. There were so many problems with it. He wasn't allowed to tell his team. He still had to work his normal hours; it wasn't a 9-5 type of job. The only back up he had was her, she was the Director there was no way that she would be available to help him 24/7. You then had the fact she wanted him to seduce Jeanne Benoit. Tony had checked there was no evidence that she knew anything about her father's criminal activities. There had to be more to this story. Why was she so interested in this arms dealer who had nothing to do with any NCIS case past or present that he could see. There was so much wrong with this, nothing Shepard said would persuade him to take this job. If she tried he would walk. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but his choices were limited.

Complete Inescapable Truth NCIS/Stargate Atlantis pre-slash
FanfictionThis is a prequel to 'Agent, really far, Afloat'. Tony realises that he has had enough, he is sick and tired of the attitude he is getting from everyone. The Director is trying to force him into an op. An unexpected job offer is his chance to escap...